Royal Hobart Golf Club ~ 6th December 2024
Our final game for 2024 Sponsored by Carpet Court was played at Royal Hobart Golf Club. 52 players were met with great weather and a course in great condition. Thanks to President Ian Mansfield plus Mark and Andy with RHGC staff in ensuring the day ran smoothly.
The scores were hot on the day and matched the conditions with Launceston member Selwyn Dalton with a great score of 43 points winning the major prize on the day. His score was also enough to win the 2024 Newstead Plaster and Insulation consistency award from Warren Walker.
Warren Walker won Division 1 with 39 points from Sponsor Tim Bomford with 35 points.
Hans Thogersen was successful in Division 2 with 40 points from Geoff Flint on 37 points.
Mathew Free won Division 3 with 40 points from Gary (Humpty Dumpty) Harwood on 36 points.
The visitor prize was won by Scott Lukianenko on 39 points from Charli Goggin on 38 points.
Nearest the Pins were won by Rosco Nixon and Patrick Walker.
A big thanks to Tim Bomford from Carpet Court for his sponsorship.
Our Member Jackpot of $150 did not go off.
To all Members and Sponsors please have a great Xmas, stay safe and see you in 2025.
Our final game for 2024 Sponsored by Carpet Court was played at Royal Hobart Golf Club. 52 players were met with great weather and a course in great condition. Thanks to President Ian Mansfield plus Mark and Andy with RHGC staff in ensuring the day ran smoothly.
The scores were hot on the day and matched the conditions with Launceston member Selwyn Dalton with a great score of 43 points winning the major prize on the day. His score was also enough to win the 2024 Newstead Plaster and Insulation consistency award from Warren Walker.
Warren Walker won Division 1 with 39 points from Sponsor Tim Bomford with 35 points.
Hans Thogersen was successful in Division 2 with 40 points from Geoff Flint on 37 points.
Mathew Free won Division 3 with 40 points from Gary (Humpty Dumpty) Harwood on 36 points.
The visitor prize was won by Scott Lukianenko on 39 points from Charli Goggin on 38 points.
Nearest the Pins were won by Rosco Nixon and Patrick Walker.
A big thanks to Tim Bomford from Carpet Court for his sponsorship.
Our Member Jackpot of $150 did not go off.
To all Members and Sponsors please have a great Xmas, stay safe and see you in 2025.
Devonport Golf Club 15 November 2024
41 players teed off at Devonport Golf Club competing for the Don Mapley Memorial Trophy in ideal golfing conditions. The course was in excellent condition. Thanks go to our sponsors of the day Clark Windows represented by Jamie Kaye and Zac House. Please support our Sponsors as they are great support to our Club each year.
Thanks to Devonport Golf Club for supporting the day and both Golf shop and Alissa and bar staff for ensuring the day went well.
As you will see in the results, scores were pretty good with most winners beating handicap.
41 players teed off at Devonport Golf Club competing for the Don Mapley Memorial Trophy in ideal golfing conditions. The course was in excellent condition. Thanks go to our sponsors of the day Clark Windows represented by Jamie Kaye and Zac House. Please support our Sponsors as they are great support to our Club each year.
Thanks to Devonport Golf Club for supporting the day and both Golf shop and Alissa and bar staff for ensuring the day went well.
As you will see in the results, scores were pretty good with most winners beating handicap.
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for the day and winner of the Don Mapley Trophy was Simon Direen of Direen Homes with a great round of 1 over par 37 pts.
Div 1 – Michael White 36 pts. R/up with 34 pts – Mike Rataj
Div 2 – Selwyn Dalton with 34 pts on cb from R/up Trevor Johnston on 34 pts.
Div 3 – Tony Dick 32 pts David Walker R/up with 31 pts
Nearest the pins were Eddie Saville on 9 and Shane Cleary on 10, both showing that a blind chook will find the wheat once in a while!!
Finally, our $100 Member draw was not won.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of Members and Visitors at our last game at Royal Hobart Golf Club on December 6th.
The best stableford score for the day and winner of the Don Mapley Trophy was Simon Direen of Direen Homes with a great round of 1 over par 37 pts.
Div 1 – Michael White 36 pts. R/up with 34 pts – Mike Rataj
Div 2 – Selwyn Dalton with 34 pts on cb from R/up Trevor Johnston on 34 pts.
Div 3 – Tony Dick 32 pts David Walker R/up with 31 pts
Nearest the pins were Eddie Saville on 9 and Shane Cleary on 10, both showing that a blind chook will find the wheat once in a while!!
Finally, our $100 Member draw was not won.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of Members and Visitors at our last game at Royal Hobart Golf Club on December 6th.
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Date: 20/09/2024 6:29 PM
Oatlands Golf Club 20 September 24
Oatlands Golf Club hosted our September game of Master Builders Tas Golf Club. A total of 25 players teed it up for the day. Players were treated to cool but fine breezy weather and the course was in excellent condition given recent wet periods. Scoring was difficult as there was no run on the course.
Thanks to David Thomas and members for their hospitality on the day and supplying morning tea and a great BBQ.
Top MBT Member score of the day went to Derrick McPherson with 35pts
Division 1 was won by Geoff Doig with 34 pts from Craig Boucher on 33
Division 2 was won by Darren Eiszele with 32 pts from Selwyn Dalton on 29 pts
Nearest the pins were won by Eddie Saville and Rodney Simpson
$50 member Jackpot did not go off so goes up to $100 at Devonport in November.
There is no game in October as the Master Builders Australia "Hornibrook Cup" tournament is on in the Hunter Valley this year with 26 Members representing our state in this competition.
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Date: 31/08/2024 11:13 AM
Tasmania Golf Club 23 August 2024
48 players teed off at Tasmania Golf Club in ideal golfing conditions. The course was in good condition given some recent wet days, with greens and fairways running well. Thanks go to our sponsors of the day Austral Bricks represented by Colin Shugg. Please support our Sponsors as they are great support to our Club each year.
Thanks to Tasmania Golf Club for supporting the day and both Golf shop and office and bar staff for ensuring the day went well.
As you will see in the results, scores were solid without being fantastic, attributed to the challenging course.
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for the day was Tony {Penguin} Read from Claremont Golf Club with 36 points on countback.
Div 1 – Paul Faulks 35 points on c/b . R/up with 35 points – Simon Direen
Div 2 – Chris Chapman 36 points. R/up with 34 points – Matt Pedler
Div 3 – Roger Eadie 32 points. Runner up with 30 points – new Member Tom Bishop
Nearest the pins went Kevin Jones on hole 2, Simon Direen on hole 9.
Finally, our $100 Member draw was won by Andrew Cox.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of Members and Visitors at our next game at Oatlands Golf Club on September 20.
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Date: 19/06/2024 11:13 AM
Orford Golf Club 7 June 24 Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
Orford Golf Club again turned on the hospitality and in brisk and sunny conditions with a huge field of 75 players teed off in the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
To: The NEWS Desk
Date: 19/06/2024 11:13 AM
Orford Golf Club 7 June 24 Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
Orford Golf Club again turned on the hospitality and in brisk and sunny conditions with a huge field of 75 players teed off in the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
The day was again supported by a huge number of Orford Members and guests who were keen to play in this Memorial Day as Ken was a popular member of the Orford Golf Club together with being a long-time member of the Master Builders Tas Golf Club. Ken’s Memorial Shield is a Trophy that all players strive to get their name on.
Sponsors for the day were again Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. Thanks to both David and Warren for their ongoing support.
The overall winner of the day and winner of the Ken Weeding Shield for the Best Score was Sponsor Warren Walker with 38 points in a triple count back.
Sponsors for the day were again Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. Thanks to both David and Warren for their ongoing support.
The overall winner of the day and winner of the Ken Weeding Shield for the Best Score was Sponsor Warren Walker with 38 points in a triple count back.
Grade Winners for the day:
A Grade: Leigh Hannon 38 points from Ben Smith 37pts
B Grade: Trevor Johnston 35 points from Rossco Nixon on 34pts
C Grade: Vince Henderson 38 points from Peter Johnson on 36pts
Visitors Open Ladies: Maria Cooper 37pts from Deb Baker on 34pts
Visitors Open Men: Daniel Lamont 38pts from Mark Johnston 37pts
For other Winners click on the results link below.
The Member $50 Jackpot draw was not won.
A great BBQ and morning tea was enjoyed by all.
A huge thanks to Sponsors David and Warren Walker. Plus, assistance on the day from Rossco Nixon, Deb Baker, Matt Peddler and Members who manned the BBQ, bar staff and ALL ORFORD members who supplied morning tea and assisted to make it a hugely successful day.
Our next game is at Tasmania Golf Club on Friday 23rd August
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
A Grade: Leigh Hannon 38 points from Ben Smith 37pts
B Grade: Trevor Johnston 35 points from Rossco Nixon on 34pts
C Grade: Vince Henderson 38 points from Peter Johnson on 36pts
Visitors Open Ladies: Maria Cooper 37pts from Deb Baker on 34pts
Visitors Open Men: Daniel Lamont 38pts from Mark Johnston 37pts
For other Winners click on the results link below.
The Member $50 Jackpot draw was not won.
A great BBQ and morning tea was enjoyed by all.
A huge thanks to Sponsors David and Warren Walker. Plus, assistance on the day from Rossco Nixon, Deb Baker, Matt Peddler and Members who manned the BBQ, bar staff and ALL ORFORD members who supplied morning tea and assisted to make it a hugely successful day.
Our next game is at Tasmania Golf Club on Friday 23rd August
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Date 28/05/2024 12:46 PM
Ulverstone Golf Club 24 May 2024
The annual Eddie French Memorial Shield was held at Ulverstone on 24 May. 40 players teed off in cool sunny conditions. Players were treated to fast fairways and slick greens which equalled difficult scoring . This was evident as not 1 player played to their handicap. Thanks go to our sponsors for the day Trevor & Deb Johnson from Ulverstone Floor Sanding which also included the BBQ. Please support this business as they provide great support to our Club each year. Thanks to Ulverstone Golf Club for the use of the course, Jim for assisting us setting up the competition and running the day. Thanks also to bar staff, and the Ulverstone members who cooked a great BBQ.
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members and winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield was local member Peter Sharman with 34 points.
Div 1 - 1st on 33 points was Simon Direen. R/up on 30 points was Eddie Saville.
Div 2 - 1st with 31 points on cb was local member Tony Bennett. R/up was Hanz Thogersen on 31 points.
Div 3 – 1st was Warren Williams another local member on 32pts from Joe Scavo on 26pts on cb.
The Visitors prizes went to local members David Abbott with 33 points cb from David George.
Nearest the pins went to Colin Nichols on 9 and Hanz Thogersen on 18
Finally, our Member jackpot draw of $50 was won by Kevin Jones
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Date 28/05/2024 12:46 PM
Ulverstone Golf Club 24 May 2024
The annual Eddie French Memorial Shield was held at Ulverstone on 24 May. 40 players teed off in cool sunny conditions. Players were treated to fast fairways and slick greens which equalled difficult scoring . This was evident as not 1 player played to their handicap. Thanks go to our sponsors for the day Trevor & Deb Johnson from Ulverstone Floor Sanding which also included the BBQ. Please support this business as they provide great support to our Club each year. Thanks to Ulverstone Golf Club for the use of the course, Jim for assisting us setting up the competition and running the day. Thanks also to bar staff, and the Ulverstone members who cooked a great BBQ.
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members and winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield was local member Peter Sharman with 34 points.
Div 1 - 1st on 33 points was Simon Direen. R/up on 30 points was Eddie Saville.
Div 2 - 1st with 31 points on cb was local member Tony Bennett. R/up was Hanz Thogersen on 31 points.
Div 3 – 1st was Warren Williams another local member on 32pts from Joe Scavo on 26pts on cb.
The Visitors prizes went to local members David Abbott with 33 points cb from David George.
Nearest the pins went to Colin Nichols on 9 and Hanz Thogersen on 18
Finally, our Member jackpot draw of $50 was won by Kevin Jones
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Date 22/04/2024 9:41 PM
Kingston Beach 19 April 2024
Kingston Beach hosted our MBTGC golf day on 19th April 2024. A sunny day greeted the good number of 49 players. The golf course was in great condition. Scores reflected the conditions with some big scores returned.
Thanks go to the KBGC for hosting the day. Huge thanks to Glen Johnson from Master Builders Insurance Brokers for sponsoring the day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Warren Walker with a great 42 points off a generous 11 H’cap.
A Grade John Erends with 38pts was the winner with Anthony Frost 37pts second on c/b.
B Grade Damian Colefax with 38pts was the winner with Geoff Flint 36 pts second.
C Grade Selwyn Dalton with 41 pts was the winner with Tony Bennett 38pts second.
Visitors Mark Johnson was the winner of the Visitors event with 40pts from Maria Cooper with 36 pts.
NTP's 7th Hole – Damian Colefax, 18th Hole – Athol Tubb.
Finally, our $100 Member Jackpot draw was won by Tony Dick.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Date 22/04/2024 9:41 PM
Kingston Beach 19 April 2024
Kingston Beach hosted our MBTGC golf day on 19th April 2024. A sunny day greeted the good number of 49 players. The golf course was in great condition. Scores reflected the conditions with some big scores returned.
Thanks go to the KBGC for hosting the day. Huge thanks to Glen Johnson from Master Builders Insurance Brokers for sponsoring the day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Warren Walker with a great 42 points off a generous 11 H’cap.
A Grade John Erends with 38pts was the winner with Anthony Frost 37pts second on c/b.
B Grade Damian Colefax with 38pts was the winner with Geoff Flint 36 pts second.
C Grade Selwyn Dalton with 41 pts was the winner with Tony Bennett 38pts second.
Visitors Mark Johnson was the winner of the Visitors event with 40pts from Maria Cooper with 36 pts.
NTP's 7th Hole – Damian Colefax, 18th Hole – Athol Tubb.
Finally, our $100 Member Jackpot draw was won by Tony Dick.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
Thirlstane Golf Club 22 March 2024
Thirlstane Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 22nd March. 35 MBTGC members teed up with 15 Visitors. An absolute perfect day greeted players with the course in excellent condition and an absolute credit to the Club. This course would have to be one of the best 9 hole courses if not the best in Tassie. Thanks’ must go out to Neville Smith and Roger Eadie for running the day. A special thanks to Lorraine Smith and helpers for preparing a magnificent morning tea prior to tee off. Local members also cooked a great BBQ and the bar on the day. We would also like to thank our Sponsors for the day Fairbrother, Rapid Supplies and Mitre 10. Please support these sponsors. Onto the Winners for the days event: A Grade - Winner with 37 points – Martin Brown. Runner up Neil Faulks on 36. B Grade - Winner with 39 points – Kevin Jones. Runner up Selwyn Dalton on 38. C Grade - Winner with 37 points – Roger Eadie. Runner up – Sam Vickers on 37. Visitors – Winner with 40 points – Ryan Milton. Runner Up – John Crawford on 38/cb Fairbrother’s Worst score – Ben Hawkes NTP's 1/10 Hole – L Styles, 2/11 Hole – N Faulks. 3/12 Hole G Harwood. 4/13 Hole – T Elmer. 5/14 Hole – C Boutcher, 6/15 Hole S Dalton, 7/16 Hole – M Brown. 8/17 Hole – C Boutcher 9/18 Hole Longest Putt M Rataj. Finally, our $50 Member draw # 1 did not go off and will Jackpot to $100 at Kingston Beach. Eddie Saville Secretary Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club – click here for results table |
Claremont 1 March 2024 41 players teed off at Claremont in ideal golfing conditions. The course was in good condition given a very hot summer, with greens quick and true as the course was set up for the Club Championships the following day. Thanks go to our sponsors of the day John and Chris Erends at Steeline Hobart Roofing, Sheds and Carports together with Clennetts Mitre 10 and Colorbond. Please support these businesses as they are great support to our Club each year. Thanks to Claremont Golf Club for supporting the day and both Golf shop and bar staff for ensuring the day went well. As you will see in the results, scores were well below the norm with all players struggling to play to handicap. Winners for the day were as follows: The best stableford score for the day was Neville Smith from Thirlstane Golf Club with 35pts on countback. Div 1 — Chris Erends 35 points. R/up with 34 points — John Erends Div 2 — Rosco Nixon 34 points cb. R/up with 34 points — Ian Mansfield Div 3 — Joe Scavo 32 points cb. Runner up with 32 points — Gil Bantoft Nearest the pins went Selwyn Dalton on hole 2, Andrew Cox on hole 11, and Neville Smith on 18. Finally, our $100 Member draw was won Sam Vickers. Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of Members and Visitors at our next game at Thirlstane Golf Club on March 22nd. Eddie Saville Secretary Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club – click here for results table |
Roofing Sheds Carports
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 5/02/2024 6:41 PM
Game at Launceston Golf Club 2nd February
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 5/02/2024 6:41 PM
Game at Launceston Golf Club 2nd February
- click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 4/12/2023 12:44 PM
Game at Royal Hobart Golf Club 1st December
Our final game for 2023 Sponsored by Carpet Court was played at Royal Hobart Golf Club. 39 players were met with great weather and a course in great condition. Thanks to Tim and RHGC staff in ensuring the day ran smoothly.
The scores on the day matched the conditions with Orford member Chris Chapman with a great 42 points to win the major prize.
Local member John Bosworth won Division 1 with 35 points on c/b from recently retired Gary (Ling) Linton also on 35 points.
Orford Member Athol Tubb was successful in Division 2 with 40 points from the consistent Trevor Johnston on 37 points.
Another Orford member David Walker won Division 3 with 39 points from Tommy Bishop on 36 points.
The visitor prize was won by Lindsay White on 37 points from Patrick Walker on 33 points.
Nearest the Pins were won by Tony McCulloch and Tim Bomford.
A big thanks to Tim Bomford from Carpet Court for his sponsorship.
Our Member Jackpot of $100 was won Tommy Bishop.
To all Members and Sponsors please have a great Xmas, stay safe and see you in 2024.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Tue 21/11/2023 8:10 PM
Re: Game at Devonport Country Club 17th November
A total of 51 Members and visitors played at Devonport Country Club last Friday 17th Nov. Great to see our visitor numbers up, with 10 players for this event . We also had two Guests from Queensland Master Builders, Tony Mapley and Brett Mooney, play on the day.
With the Tasmanian Amateur Championships being held over the weekend at the Club we were greeted with CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE CONDITIONS with the greens extremely fast running at 13 on the stimp meter. The weather and scores matched the course condition.
Our day at Devonport was also the inaugural game of the Don Mapley Memorial Shield in honour of Don who served the Master Builders Golf Club for many years. His son Tony added to the prize pool with some of Don's Hickory Clubs and a book written by Don about the Ulverstone Course.
Young member and local greenkeeper Logan Heazlewood had a great score of 40pts to win the best score by a MBTas GC member.
Grade Winners for the day:
- Craig Clark won A grade with 38 pts from the reliable Ben Smith with 35 pts.
- Trevor Johnston was successful in B grade again with 36 pts from Hanz Thogerson with 34 pts cb.
- Roger Eadie won C grade with 31 pts from Gil Bantoft on 30 pts.
Nearest the Pins were won by Michael White and Tony Wilton. Harry Skedlar won the card draw.
The day was again sponsored by Clark Windows and a big thank you to Craig Clark. Craig also announced he will continue to sponsor this day for three further years.
Also huge thanks to Devonport Country Club green staff, bar staff, Stuart and Alex in the Pro shop for ensuring we had a smoothly run day.
Our Member Jackpot was not won so it is $100 next game at Royal Hobart on 1st December.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Wed 4/10/2023 9:18 PM
Re: Game at Mowbray Golf Club 27th October
Hi Members, apologies but due to insufficient numbers we have to cancel the proposed game at Mowbray on the 27th October. The next game will therefore be at Devonport, as advertised above.
In looking at why, short notice to members seeking participation and the public Holiday in Hobart on the 26th plus the closeness to the Hornibrook 8-13 Oct and Devonport Nov 17 have all factored in this.
As I said previously its unfair to Mowbray, our Sponsor and you the Members to run an event with low numbers.
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Wed 4/10/2023 9:18 PM
Re: Game at Mowbray Golf Club 27th October
Hi Members, apologies but due to insufficient numbers we have to cancel the proposed game at Mowbray on the 27th October. The next game will therefore be at Devonport, as advertised above.
In looking at why, short notice to members seeking participation and the public Holiday in Hobart on the 26th plus the closeness to the Hornibrook 8-13 Oct and Devonport Nov 17 have all factored in this.
As I said previously its unfair to Mowbray, our Sponsor and you the Members to run an event with low numbers.
Eddie Saville
Game 8 may be at Mowbray Golf Club on a date TBA.
Hopefully we will be able to obtain a workable date for this missed game, sometime after Hornibrook. Watch this space.
Eddie Saville
Hopefully we will be able to obtain a workable date for this missed game, sometime after Hornibrook. Watch this space.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Tue 26/09/2023 10:50 PM
Subject: Game 7 at Kingston Beach Golf Club 22nd September 2023
A sunny day greeted the great number of 51 players. The golf course was in very good condition. Scores reflected the conditions with some big scores returned. Thanks go to the KBGC Professional Dan and staff, greenkeepers, bar and catering staff for ensuring we had a great day. A huge thanks to Glen Johnson from Master Builders Insurance Brokers for sponsoring the day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes: The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Sam Vickers with a great 40 points. Sam also won C grade in 2022 at this course so he plays it very well.
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Tue 26/09/2023 10:50 PM
Subject: Game 7 at Kingston Beach Golf Club 22nd September 2023
A sunny day greeted the great number of 51 players. The golf course was in very good condition. Scores reflected the conditions with some big scores returned. Thanks go to the KBGC Professional Dan and staff, greenkeepers, bar and catering staff for ensuring we had a great day. A huge thanks to Glen Johnson from Master Builders Insurance Brokers for sponsoring the day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes: The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Sam Vickers with a great 40 points. Sam also won C grade in 2022 at this course so he plays it very well.
Grade Winners for the day:
A Grade – Winner with 36 points was Rodney Simpson. Runner up was Captain Neil Faulks on 35 points. B Grade - Winner with 38 points was Trevor Johnston with Warren Williams runner up on 35 points. C Grade - Winner with 32 points was Ryan Milton on cb from new member Hank Timmerman. Visitors - Winner was Damian Colefax with 36 points from Justin Marney on 35 points. NTP's - 7th Hole – David Overeem - 18th Hole – Neil Faulks. Finally, our $50 Member Jackpot draw was won by Eddie Saville. Eddie Saville Secretary – click here for results table |
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sun 21/05/2023 2:00 PM
Subject: Game 6 at Orford Golf Club 9 June 2023
Orford Golf Club again turned on the hospitality and in brisk and breezy conditions 60 players teed off in the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
The event was again supported by a huge number of Orford Members who were keen to play in this Memorial Day as Ken was a popular member of the Orford Golf Club together with being a long-time member of the Master Builders Tas Golf Club. Ken’s Memorial Shield is a Trophy that all players strive to get their name on. Especially the members who knew Ken.
Sponsors for the day were again Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. Thanks to both David and Warren for their ongoing support.
The overall winner of the day and winner of the Ken Weeding Shield for the Best Score was Eddie Saville with 37 points.
Grade Winners for the day:
A Grade: Neville Smith with 36 points
B Grade: Tony Wilton with 36 points
C Grade: Tom Bishop with 35 points
Visitors Open Ladies: Christine Bishop with 31 points
Visitors Open Men: Dean Brakey
The Member $50 Jackpot draw was won by David King. For other results click on the LINK below.
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sun 21/05/2023 2:00 PM
Subject: Game 6 at Orford Golf Club 9 June 2023
Orford Golf Club again turned on the hospitality and in brisk and breezy conditions 60 players teed off in the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
The event was again supported by a huge number of Orford Members who were keen to play in this Memorial Day as Ken was a popular member of the Orford Golf Club together with being a long-time member of the Master Builders Tas Golf Club. Ken’s Memorial Shield is a Trophy that all players strive to get their name on. Especially the members who knew Ken.
Sponsors for the day were again Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. Thanks to both David and Warren for their ongoing support.
The overall winner of the day and winner of the Ken Weeding Shield for the Best Score was Eddie Saville with 37 points.
Grade Winners for the day:
A Grade: Neville Smith with 36 points
B Grade: Tony Wilton with 36 points
C Grade: Tom Bishop with 35 points
Visitors Open Ladies: Christine Bishop with 31 points
Visitors Open Men: Dean Brakey
The Member $50 Jackpot draw was won by David King. For other results click on the LINK below.
A great BBQ and morning tea was enjoyed by all, with the assistance on the day from Rosco Nixon, Matt Peddler and BBQ chef Roger Barnes, bar staff and ALL ORFORD members who supplied morning tea and assisted to make it a great day. A huge thanks to Sponsors David and Warren Walker. Thanks also to the green staff of the club for turning the course out in good condition.
Our next game is at Mowbray Golf Club on Friday 25th August Eddie Saville Secretary – click here for results table |
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sun 21/05/2023 2:00 PM
Subject: Ulverstone Golf Club 19 May 2023
The annual Eddie French Memorial Shield was held at Ulverstone on 19 May. 32 players teed off in cool sunny conditions. Players were treated to fast fairways and slick greens which equalled scoring difficult. Thanks go to our sponsors for the day Trevor & Deb Johnson from Floor Sanding, Clint Van Neutagen from Ulverstone Building Centre and Rod Edwards for suppling BBQ and. Please support these business’s as they provide great support to our Club each year. Thanks to Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the course. Darren and Jim assisting us setting up the day. Thanks also to bar staff, and finally the Ulverstone members who cooked a great BBQ.
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members and winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield was Thirlstane member Ryan Milton with 34 points.
Div 1 - 1st on 32 points on c/back – Warren Williams. R/up also on 32 points – Tony Dick
Div 2 - 1st with 32 points – Tony Bennett. R/up was Trevor Johnston on 30 points.
The Visitors prize went to young local member Logan Heazelwood with 35 points. Logan also won the visitors last year off 17 H/cap & now off 11. Runner up with 31 points was another local Greg Parsons.
Nearest the pins went to Eddie Saville on #5, Logan Heazelwood on #13 and Simon Direen with a double at #9 and #18
Finally, our Member jackpot draw of $50 was won again by Rodney Simpson.
Hopefully, we will see a big turnout of players at our next game at Orford Golf Club on Friday June 9th. This day is the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sun 21/05/2023 2:00 PM
Subject: Ulverstone Golf Club 19 May 2023
The annual Eddie French Memorial Shield was held at Ulverstone on 19 May. 32 players teed off in cool sunny conditions. Players were treated to fast fairways and slick greens which equalled scoring difficult. Thanks go to our sponsors for the day Trevor & Deb Johnson from Floor Sanding, Clint Van Neutagen from Ulverstone Building Centre and Rod Edwards for suppling BBQ and. Please support these business’s as they provide great support to our Club each year. Thanks to Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the course. Darren and Jim assisting us setting up the day. Thanks also to bar staff, and finally the Ulverstone members who cooked a great BBQ.
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members and winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield was Thirlstane member Ryan Milton with 34 points.
Div 1 - 1st on 32 points on c/back – Warren Williams. R/up also on 32 points – Tony Dick
Div 2 - 1st with 32 points – Tony Bennett. R/up was Trevor Johnston on 30 points.
The Visitors prize went to young local member Logan Heazelwood with 35 points. Logan also won the visitors last year off 17 H/cap & now off 11. Runner up with 31 points was another local Greg Parsons.
Nearest the pins went to Eddie Saville on #5, Logan Heazelwood on #13 and Simon Direen with a double at #9 and #18
Finally, our Member jackpot draw of $50 was won again by Rodney Simpson.
Hopefully, we will see a big turnout of players at our next game at Orford Golf Club on Friday June 9th. This day is the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Tue 25/04/2023 6:17 PM
Subject: Claremont Golf Club April 21 2023
Claremont April 21, 2023
33 players teed off at Claremont in ideal golfing conditions. The course was in excellent condition as it was set up for the Southern Tasmanian Open on the following weekend. Thanks go to our sponsors of the day John and Chris Erends at Steeline together with Clennetts Mitre 10 and Colorbond. Please support these businesses as they are great support to our Club each year.
Thanks to Claremont Golf Club for supporting the day and both the Golf shop and bar staff for ensuring the day went well. Thanks to volunteers Tony & Christine Ellerton for cooking the BBQ which was excellent.
As you will see in the results scores were well below the norm as the wind and speed of the greens made scoring challenging. Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members was new member Damien Messer with 33 points on a countback.
Div 1 - 33 points — Ben Smith. Runner up with 32 points — Chris Erends
Div 2 - 33 points — Warren Williams. Runner up with 30 points on a Countback — Tony Wilton
Div 3 - 29 points — Tony Bennett. Runner up with 27 points — Leigh Hinds
The Visitor's prize went to local member Andrew Cox with 29 points.
Nearest the pins went John Erends on 11 and Rod Edwards on 18
Finally, our $50 Member draw was won by Tony McCulloch.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of Members and Visitors at our next game at Ulverstone Golf Club on May19th for the Annual Eddie French Memorial Trophy.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Tue 25/04/2023 6:17 PM
Subject: Claremont Golf Club April 21 2023
Claremont April 21, 2023
33 players teed off at Claremont in ideal golfing conditions. The course was in excellent condition as it was set up for the Southern Tasmanian Open on the following weekend. Thanks go to our sponsors of the day John and Chris Erends at Steeline together with Clennetts Mitre 10 and Colorbond. Please support these businesses as they are great support to our Club each year.
Thanks to Claremont Golf Club for supporting the day and both the Golf shop and bar staff for ensuring the day went well. Thanks to volunteers Tony & Christine Ellerton for cooking the BBQ which was excellent.
As you will see in the results scores were well below the norm as the wind and speed of the greens made scoring challenging. Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members was new member Damien Messer with 33 points on a countback.
Div 1 - 33 points — Ben Smith. Runner up with 32 points — Chris Erends
Div 2 - 33 points — Warren Williams. Runner up with 30 points on a Countback — Tony Wilton
Div 3 - 29 points — Tony Bennett. Runner up with 27 points — Leigh Hinds
The Visitor's prize went to local member Andrew Cox with 29 points.
Nearest the pins went John Erends on 11 and Rod Edwards on 18
Finally, our $50 Member draw was won by Tony McCulloch.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of Members and Visitors at our next game at Ulverstone Golf Club on May19th for the Annual Eddie French Memorial Trophy.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 10/04/2023 6:50 PM
Subject: Thirlstane Golf Club 31/3/23
Thirlstane Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 31st March with a large number of players participating. 29 MBTGC members teed up with a large number of visitors.
An absolute perfect day greeted players and the course was in excellent condition and a credit to the Club. Thanks’ must go out to Neville Smith, Tony Dick, Roger Eadie for running the day. A special thanks to Lorraine Smith for preparing a magnificent morning tea prior to tee off. Local members also cooked a great BBQ throughout the day. We would also like to thank our Sponsors of the day Fairbrother and Rapid Supplies please support these sponsors where possible.
On to the Winners for the days event:
A Grade - Winner with 41 points – Hans Thogensen. Runner up Mike Rataj on 40 pts.
B Grade - Winner with 39 points – Selwyn Dalton. Runner up Tony Bennett on 34 pts
C Grade - Winner with 41 points – Ryan Milton. Runner up – Sam Vickers on 35 pts
Visitors - Winner – Colin Arnold with 42 points. Runner Up – Joe Scavo on 38 pts
NTP's 1/10 Hole – Hans Thogensen, 2/11 Hole – Neville Smith. 3/12 Hole Roger Stokes. 4/13 Hole – Tim Elmer. 5/14 Hole – Neil Faulks, 6/15 Hole Hans Thogensen, 7/16 Hole – Kevin Jones (eagle). 8/17 Hole – Ben Smith. 9/18 Hole Mike Rataj and Longest Putt Gil Bantoft.
Finally, our $200 Member draw was won by the lucky Rodney Simpson.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 10/04/2023 6:50 PM
Subject: Thirlstane Golf Club 31/3/23
Thirlstane Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 31st March with a large number of players participating. 29 MBTGC members teed up with a large number of visitors.
An absolute perfect day greeted players and the course was in excellent condition and a credit to the Club. Thanks’ must go out to Neville Smith, Tony Dick, Roger Eadie for running the day. A special thanks to Lorraine Smith for preparing a magnificent morning tea prior to tee off. Local members also cooked a great BBQ throughout the day. We would also like to thank our Sponsors of the day Fairbrother and Rapid Supplies please support these sponsors where possible.
On to the Winners for the days event:
A Grade - Winner with 41 points – Hans Thogensen. Runner up Mike Rataj on 40 pts.
B Grade - Winner with 39 points – Selwyn Dalton. Runner up Tony Bennett on 34 pts
C Grade - Winner with 41 points – Ryan Milton. Runner up – Sam Vickers on 35 pts
Visitors - Winner – Colin Arnold with 42 points. Runner Up – Joe Scavo on 38 pts
NTP's 1/10 Hole – Hans Thogensen, 2/11 Hole – Neville Smith. 3/12 Hole Roger Stokes. 4/13 Hole – Tim Elmer. 5/14 Hole – Neil Faulks, 6/15 Hole Hans Thogensen, 7/16 Hole – Kevin Jones (eagle). 8/17 Hole – Ben Smith. 9/18 Hole Mike Rataj and Longest Putt Gil Bantoft.
Finally, our $200 Member draw was won by the lucky Rodney Simpson.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 6/03/2023 8:03 PM
Subject: Oatlands Golf Club 3rd March 2023
Oatlands Golf Club hosted our second Master Builders Tas Golf Club game of 2023.
A total of 31 players teed it up for the day. It has been a few years since we have played at Oatlands.
After a chilly Midlands morning players were treated to perfect weather and the course was in excellent condition. Not sure how the Golf Tas people can rate this course so low at 109 slope rating. This course is not that easy!!!!!!!
John Erends had a day out on the par 3’s by winning the 2 Nearest The Pins.
$200 member Jackpot did not go off so remains at $200 for our next game at Thirlstane Golf Club on 31st March.
A huge thanks to David Thomas and helpers from the club who provided excellent hospitality and a great BBQ.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 6/03/2023 8:03 PM
Subject: Oatlands Golf Club 3rd March 2023
Oatlands Golf Club hosted our second Master Builders Tas Golf Club game of 2023.
A total of 31 players teed it up for the day. It has been a few years since we have played at Oatlands.
After a chilly Midlands morning players were treated to perfect weather and the course was in excellent condition. Not sure how the Golf Tas people can rate this course so low at 109 slope rating. This course is not that easy!!!!!!!
- Top MBT Member score of the day went to Peter Sharman with a great 38 pts
- Division 1 was won by Ben Smith with 33 pts from Derrick McPherson on 32 pts
- Division 2 was won by Leigh Hinds with 33 pts from Selwyn Dalton on 32 pts
- Visitors was won by Local member Dan Davis on 40 pts on cb from Will Stone also on 40 pts
John Erends had a day out on the par 3’s by winning the 2 Nearest The Pins.
$200 member Jackpot did not go off so remains at $200 for our next game at Thirlstane Golf Club on 31st March.
A huge thanks to David Thomas and helpers from the club who provided excellent hospitality and a great BBQ.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Wed 8/02/2023 8:24 PM
Subject: Launceston Golf Club 3 February 2023
Launceston Golf Club hosted our first Master Builders Tas Golf Club game of 2023.
A total of 47 players teed it up for the day, which is a large field.
Players were treated to perfect weather on the day and the course was in excellent condition.
Top MBT Member score of the day went to Trevor Johnston with a great score of 36pts.
North West win Continental Cup
The Continental cup was won by the North West Coast Team . The winners had 11 players tee up with the (for the best 75% of their players) ave 30.1 to win from South with 14 players with 29.8 ave. North failed to reach the required 8 players.
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by Paul Siejka from Continental Builders and Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster/Insulation.
A big thank you to the staff of Launceston Golf Club for assisting us have a successful day.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Wed 8/02/2023 8:24 PM
Subject: Launceston Golf Club 3 February 2023
Launceston Golf Club hosted our first Master Builders Tas Golf Club game of 2023.
A total of 47 players teed it up for the day, which is a large field.
Players were treated to perfect weather on the day and the course was in excellent condition.
Top MBT Member score of the day went to Trevor Johnston with a great score of 36pts.
- A Grade was won by new member Tim Quill with 35 pts on C/B from Captain Neil Faulks
- B Grade was won by Tony McCulloch with 32 pts from Selwyn Dalton on 31 pts
- C Grade was won by Sam Vickers with 35 pts from Leigh Hinds with 33 pts.
- Visitors was won by Dylan Walker with a great 41 pts from Ryan Boyes with 35 pts.
North West win Continental Cup
The Continental cup was won by the North West Coast Team . The winners had 11 players tee up with the (for the best 75% of their players) ave 30.1 to win from South with 14 players with 29.8 ave. North failed to reach the required 8 players.
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by Paul Siejka from Continental Builders and Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster/Insulation.
A big thank you to the staff of Launceston Golf Club for assisting us have a successful day.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sun 4/12/2022 9:13 AM
Subject: Royal Hobart Write up
Our final game for the year was played at Royal Hobart Golf Club. The final number of players was 26. We had a lot more registered, but illness caused some late withdrawals. Royal has had a lot of water table issues and course changes over the last 12 months and apart from a few persistent wet areas the course was in good condition. Thanks to Matt Docking and staff in ensuring the day ran smoothly.
There were some great scores on the day with the best by John Rainbird with 41 points. A new member this year John finished the season off with a bang. John is a great exponent of putting from a long way out!!!.
Ben Smith won Division 1 with 39 pts from Rodney Edwards with 38 pts .
Local member Peter Johnson was successful in Division 2 with 39 pts from Tony Bennett with 37 pts.
The visitor prize was won by another Local member David Tunbridge on 37 pts from Patrick Walker on 33 pts.
Nearest the Pins were won by Captain Neil Faulks and Peter Johnson.
The day was Sponsored by Carpet Court and a big thanks to Tim Bomford.
Our Member Jackpot of $200 was not won as Gary (Lunchalot) Linton was not in attendance.
Thanks to Ian Mansfield for assisting on the day and supplying some great South Arm pinkeye chats for lunch.
To all Members and Sponsors please have a great Xmas, stay safe and see you in the New Year.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sun 4/12/2022 9:13 AM
Subject: Royal Hobart Write up
Our final game for the year was played at Royal Hobart Golf Club. The final number of players was 26. We had a lot more registered, but illness caused some late withdrawals. Royal has had a lot of water table issues and course changes over the last 12 months and apart from a few persistent wet areas the course was in good condition. Thanks to Matt Docking and staff in ensuring the day ran smoothly.
There were some great scores on the day with the best by John Rainbird with 41 points. A new member this year John finished the season off with a bang. John is a great exponent of putting from a long way out!!!.
Ben Smith won Division 1 with 39 pts from Rodney Edwards with 38 pts .
Local member Peter Johnson was successful in Division 2 with 39 pts from Tony Bennett with 37 pts.
The visitor prize was won by another Local member David Tunbridge on 37 pts from Patrick Walker on 33 pts.
Nearest the Pins were won by Captain Neil Faulks and Peter Johnson.
The day was Sponsored by Carpet Court and a big thanks to Tim Bomford.
Our Member Jackpot of $200 was not won as Gary (Lunchalot) Linton was not in attendance.
Thanks to Ian Mansfield for assisting on the day and supplying some great South Arm pinkeye chats for lunch.
To all Members and Sponsors please have a great Xmas, stay safe and see you in the New Year.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Tue 22/11/2022 9:06 PM
Subject: Devonport Write up
Devonport Golf Day
A total of 41 Members and visitors played at Devonport Country Club last Friday 18th Nov. Great to see our visitor numbers up for this event with 12 players.
With the Tasmanian Amateur Championships being held over the weekend at the Club we were greeted with CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE CONDITIONS with the greens extremely fast running at 13 on the stimp meter. The weather matched the course condition.
Our sponsor of the day Craig Clark had a great score of 38pts to win the best score by a MB Tas GC member.
Tim Elmer won A grade with 33 pts on c/b from the reliable Rodney Edwards with 33pts.
Jordan Woods was successful in B grade with 33 pts on c/b from Hanz Thogerson with 33pts on c/b
Sam Vickers won C grade with 34pts from Gary Harwood on 28pts on c/b.
The visitor prize was won by local member Colin Nichols on 39pts from Carol Ooi on 37pts.
Nearest the Pins were won by Roger Stokes and Shane Cleary and Tony Wilks won the long drive.
The day was Sponsored by Clark Windows and a big thank you to Craig Clark.
Also huge thanks to DCC green staff, bar staff, Nadine and Tally for ensuring we had a smoothly run day.
Our Member Jackpot was not won so it Jackpots to $200. The next game is at Royal Hobart on 2rd December.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
– click here for winners' photos
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 3/10/2022 6:50 PM
Subject: Kingston Beach Write up
Kingston Beach Golf Club event.
Kingston Beach hosted our MBTGC golf day on 30th September. A cool sunny day greeted the 37 players. The golf course was in good conditions but the recent rain made it heavy in some areas. Scores reflected the conditions with only one player playing to handicap.
Thanks go to the KBGC Professionals Dan and Christian, greenkeepers, bar staff and catering staff for ensuring we had a great day. A huge thanks to Glen Johnson from Master Builders Insurance Brokers for sponsoring the day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Ross Nixon with a solid 36 points.
A Grade – Winner with 35 points was Ben Smith. Runner up Craig Johnson 33 pts c/b
B Grade - Winner with 33 points was Tony Wilton from Matt Pedler on 31pts
C Grade - Winner with 35 points was Sam Vickers from Gilbert Bantoft with 34 points
Visitors - Winner Patrick Walker with 33 points and his score could have been better if he had not hit a tee marker on his first hole tee shot which I might add had other players scattering.
NTP's 7th Hole – Eddie Saville, 18th Hole – Mark Johnson.
It was an eventful day on the course with one of our long-time members remote-controlled buggy ending up in the large dam. It didn’t float!!!. Neville Smith provided SES water support in its retrieval and John Erends and Gil Bantoft provided some additional transport required to continue play. Funny game golf !!!!!
Finally, our $100 Member draw was not won and Jackpots to $150 next game at Devonport on 18th November.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 3/10/2022 6:50 PM
Subject: Kingston Beach Write up
Kingston Beach Golf Club event.
Kingston Beach hosted our MBTGC golf day on 30th September. A cool sunny day greeted the 37 players. The golf course was in good conditions but the recent rain made it heavy in some areas. Scores reflected the conditions with only one player playing to handicap.
Thanks go to the KBGC Professionals Dan and Christian, greenkeepers, bar staff and catering staff for ensuring we had a great day. A huge thanks to Glen Johnson from Master Builders Insurance Brokers for sponsoring the day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Ross Nixon with a solid 36 points.
A Grade – Winner with 35 points was Ben Smith. Runner up Craig Johnson 33 pts c/b
B Grade - Winner with 33 points was Tony Wilton from Matt Pedler on 31pts
C Grade - Winner with 35 points was Sam Vickers from Gilbert Bantoft with 34 points
Visitors - Winner Patrick Walker with 33 points and his score could have been better if he had not hit a tee marker on his first hole tee shot which I might add had other players scattering.
NTP's 7th Hole – Eddie Saville, 18th Hole – Mark Johnson.
It was an eventful day on the course with one of our long-time members remote-controlled buggy ending up in the large dam. It didn’t float!!!. Neville Smith provided SES water support in its retrieval and John Erends and Gil Bantoft provided some additional transport required to continue play. Funny game golf !!!!!
Finally, our $100 Member draw was not won and Jackpots to $150 next game at Devonport on 18th November.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 5/09/2022 10:53 AM
Subject: Launceston Write up
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
Launceston Golf Club 26 August 22
Launceston Golf Club hosted our 7th game of the year.
32 Players were treated to perfect weather on the day and the course was in great condition given the recent wet period.
Top score of the day went to new member Rodney Simpson from Deloraine with a great score of 38 stableford pts.
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster/Insulation.
A big thank you to the staff of Launceston Golf Club for assisting us has a successful day.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 5/09/2022 10:53 AM
Subject: Launceston Write up
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
Launceston Golf Club 26 August 22
Launceston Golf Club hosted our 7th game of the year.
32 Players were treated to perfect weather on the day and the course was in great condition given the recent wet period.
Top score of the day went to new member Rodney Simpson from Deloraine with a great score of 38 stableford pts.
- grade was won by the consistent Rodney Edwards with 37pts from Gary Linton on 35pts
- grade was an Ulverstone double with Tony Bennett winning with 35pts from Trevor Johnston on 33pts on cb
- Grade was another new member John Rainbird from Orford with 37pts from Peter Johnson on 31pts
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster/Insulation.
A big thank you to the staff of Launceston Golf Club for assisting us has a successful day.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk Sent: Wed 13/06/2022 11:46 AM Subject: Orford Write up Orford Golf Club again turned on the hospitality and in cold and breezy conditions 53 players teed off in the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day. The event was again supported by a huge number of Orford Members who were keen to play in this Memorial Day as Ken was a popular member of the Orford Golf Club, as well as a long-time member of the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club. Returning as Sponsors for the Day were Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. Thanks to both David and Warren for their ongoing support. |
The runaway winner of the Ken Weeding Shield for the Best Score of the day was local Orford member Gary Harwood off 20 h’cap with 38 points. Well done Gary.
Grade Winners for the day:
A Grade: Tony Wilton with 35 points
B Grade: Hans Thogerson with 29 points
C Grade: Derek Patmore with 31 points
Visitors Open Ladies: Fiona Smith with 36 points
Visitors Open Men: Paul Read with 33 points
The Member $200 Jackpot draw was won by Athol Tubb. It certainly pays to be there. Remember you need to be a financial member and be present at the draw to win.
A huge thanks to sponsors David and Warren Walker, plus assistance on the day from Rosco Nixon, Matt Peddler and BBQ chef Roger Barnes, barman John Smith and all members who supplied the great BBQ and morning tea, enjoyed by all, making it a great day. Not to overlook the green staff for turning the course out in such good condition. Our next game is at Launceston Golf Club on Friday 26th August.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
Grade Winners for the day:
A Grade: Tony Wilton with 35 points
B Grade: Hans Thogerson with 29 points
C Grade: Derek Patmore with 31 points
Visitors Open Ladies: Fiona Smith with 36 points
Visitors Open Men: Paul Read with 33 points
The Member $200 Jackpot draw was won by Athol Tubb. It certainly pays to be there. Remember you need to be a financial member and be present at the draw to win.
A huge thanks to sponsors David and Warren Walker, plus assistance on the day from Rosco Nixon, Matt Peddler and BBQ chef Roger Barnes, barman John Smith and all members who supplied the great BBQ and morning tea, enjoyed by all, making it a great day. Not to overlook the green staff for turning the course out in such good condition. Our next game is at Launceston Golf Club on Friday 26th August.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk Sent: Wed 24/05/2022 12:25 AM Subject: Ulverstone Write up Ulverstone Golf Club 20 May 2022 The annual Eddie French Memorial Shield was held at Ulverstone on 20th May. 34 players teed off in cool sunny conditions. Although a little wet underfoot the course was in great condition with the greens as quick as anywhere in the state. Thanks go to our sponsors for the day Trevor & Deb Johnson from Floor Sanding, Rod Edwards from T&G Glass, Clint Van Neutagen from Ulverstone Building Centre, and Hanson Concrete. Please support these businesses as they are great support to our Club each year. Thanks to Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and Golf Professional Darren Spencer and his off-sider Jim who assisted setting up the day together with bar staff, and the members who cooked a great BBQ. As you will see in the results a lot of Ulverstone members used their local knowledge well. |
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members and winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield was very consistent local member Rod Edwards with a solid 35 points. This win was special for Rod as he knew the late Eddie French well and is proud to now have his name on the trophy.
A Grade - 1st on 33 points – Neville Smith. R/up 30 points on c/back – Eddie Saville
B Grade - 1st with 34 points – Peter Sharman on c/back from Ross Nixon on 34pts
C Grade - 1st with 30 points – Roger Eadie. R/up with 29 points – Tony Dick
The Visitors' prize went to young local member Logan Hazelwood with 41 points. Certainly will not be off 17 next game. Runner up with 32 points was another local, Ryan Milton.
Nearest the pins went to local members Tony Bennett on the 9th & Terry Leary on the 18th
Finally, our Member draw, now standing at $200, was not won.
Hopefully, we will see a big turnout of players at our next game at Orford Golf Club on Friday June 10th. This day is the Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members and winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield was very consistent local member Rod Edwards with a solid 35 points. This win was special for Rod as he knew the late Eddie French well and is proud to now have his name on the trophy.
A Grade - 1st on 33 points – Neville Smith. R/up 30 points on c/back – Eddie Saville
B Grade - 1st with 34 points – Peter Sharman on c/back from Ross Nixon on 34pts
C Grade - 1st with 30 points – Roger Eadie. R/up with 29 points – Tony Dick
The Visitors' prize went to young local member Logan Hazelwood with 41 points. Certainly will not be off 17 next game. Runner up with 32 points was another local, Ryan Milton.
Nearest the pins went to local members Tony Bennett on the 9th & Terry Leary on the 18th
Finally, our Member draw, now standing at $200, was not won.
Hopefully, we will see a big turnout of players at our next game at Orford Golf Club on Friday June 10th. This day is the Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Wed 4/05/2022 9:11 AM
Subject: Claremont Write up
Claremont April 22 2022
34 players teed off at Claremont in cool conditions, with the sun eventually warming the day up. Thanks go to our sponsors and organisation of the day John and Chris Erends at Steeline together with Clennetts Mitre 10, Colorbond and Bennett’s Petroleum. Please support these business’s as they are great support to our Club each year.
Thanks to Claremont Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and Golf shop staff who assisted setting up the day together with bar and kitchen staff. The course was in great condition and played quite long with little run.
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Wed 4/05/2022 9:11 AM
Subject: Claremont Write up
Claremont April 22 2022
34 players teed off at Claremont in cool conditions, with the sun eventually warming the day up. Thanks go to our sponsors and organisation of the day John and Chris Erends at Steeline together with Clennetts Mitre 10, Colorbond and Bennett’s Petroleum. Please support these business’s as they are great support to our Club each year.
Thanks to Claremont Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and Golf shop staff who assisted setting up the day together with bar and kitchen staff. The course was in great condition and played quite long with little run.
As you will see in the results a lot of Claremont members used their local knowledge well.
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members was Eddie Saville with 37pts.
A Grade - 34 points – Gary Linton. R/up with 33 points – Derrick McPherson
B Grade - 35 points on c/back – Tony Wilton. R/up with 27 points – Matt Peddler
C Grade - 36 points –David Walker. Runner up with 35 points – Roger Eadie
The Visitors prize went to local member Mick Peters on 36pts. Runner up with 33points was Michael Lyden.
Nearest the pins went to Roger Eadie on the 2nd & Michael Lyden on the 18th
Finally, our $200 Member draw did not go off.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of Members and Visitors at our next game at Ulverstone Golf Club on May 20th for the Annual Eddie French Memorial Trophy.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
Winners for the day were as follows:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members was Eddie Saville with 37pts.
A Grade - 34 points – Gary Linton. R/up with 33 points – Derrick McPherson
B Grade - 35 points on c/back – Tony Wilton. R/up with 27 points – Matt Peddler
C Grade - 36 points –David Walker. Runner up with 35 points – Roger Eadie
The Visitors prize went to local member Mick Peters on 36pts. Runner up with 33points was Michael Lyden.
Nearest the pins went to Roger Eadie on the 2nd & Michael Lyden on the 18th
Finally, our $200 Member draw did not go off.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of Members and Visitors at our next game at Ulverstone Golf Club on May 20th for the Annual Eddie French Memorial Trophy.
Eddie Saville
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 4/04/2022 2:14:43 PM
Subject: Thirlstane Write up
Thirlstane Golf Club on 25th March
Thirlstane Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 25th March with a total of 48 players participating. Covid is still hampering numbers attendance at all games but this was the highest number for 2022. An absolute perfect day greeted players and the course was in excellent condition and a credit to the Club. In my view the best 9 hole course in the state.
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 4/04/2022 2:14:43 PM
Subject: Thirlstane Write up
Thirlstane Golf Club on 25th March
Thirlstane Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 25th March with a total of 48 players participating. Covid is still hampering numbers attendance at all games but this was the highest number for 2022. An absolute perfect day greeted players and the course was in excellent condition and a credit to the Club. In my view the best 9 hole course in the state.
Thanks’ must go out to Neville Smith, Tony Dick, Roger Eadie for running the day. A special thanks to Lorraine Smith for preparing a magnificent morning tea prior to tee off. Local members also cooked a great BBQ throughout the day. We would also like to thank our Sponsors of the day Fairbrother and Rapid Supplies please support these sponsors where possible
Onto the Winners for the days event:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Trevor Johnston with a great 38 points on countback from fellow Ulverstone member Rodney Edwards.
A Grade - Winner with 38 points – Rodney Edwards. Runner up John Erends on 37 pts.
B Grade - Winner with 34 points - Peter Sharman. Runner up Hans Thogersen on 33 pts
C Grade - Winner with 34 points – Roger Eadie. Runner up – Gilbert Bantoft on 30 pts
Visitors - Winner – Tony Ryan with 37 points. Runner Up – Frank Mc Connon on 36 pts
NTP's 6/15 Hole – Neville Smith, 2 & 11Hole – Brett Hall. 2nd Shot on 7/16 Rowan Dick
Finally, our $200 Member draw was not won and the Jackpot remains at $200 next game at Claremont Golf Club on April 22nd.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
Onto the Winners for the days event:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Trevor Johnston with a great 38 points on countback from fellow Ulverstone member Rodney Edwards.
A Grade - Winner with 38 points – Rodney Edwards. Runner up John Erends on 37 pts.
B Grade - Winner with 34 points - Peter Sharman. Runner up Hans Thogersen on 33 pts
C Grade - Winner with 34 points – Roger Eadie. Runner up – Gilbert Bantoft on 30 pts
Visitors - Winner – Tony Ryan with 37 points. Runner Up – Frank Mc Connon on 36 pts
NTP's 6/15 Hole – Neville Smith, 2 & 11Hole – Brett Hall. 2nd Shot on 7/16 Rowan Dick
Finally, our $200 Member draw was not won and the Jackpot remains at $200 next game at Claremont Golf Club on April 22nd.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 7/03/2022 6:03 PM
Subject: Tasmania Write up
Tasmania Golf Club on 4th March
36 players took part in the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club Day hosted by Tasmania Golf Club on 4th March. The weather was ideal and the course was in good condition. Some good scores were posted. Tony Wilton won the MBTGC members prize with 37 points and Roger Stokes A grade, Selwyn Dalton B Grade and Gary Harwood C Grade all had 36 points. The visitor winner was Bob Millhouse with 39 points.
Thanks’ must go to Tasmania Golf Club and admin Manager Karlene Grahame and Golf Professional Scott Priest for supporting the day. Thanks also to bar staff and Razor who cooked a great BBQ. We would also like to thank our sponsor of the day Clennett’s Mitre 10 Kingston Tool Centre.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Tony Wilton with a solid 37 points.
A Grade – Winner with 36 points was local member Roger Stokes with 36 points from Eddie Saville on 34 points.
B Grade - Winner with 36 points was Selwyn Dalton. Runner up with 32 points – David King
C Grade - Winner with 36 points was Gary Harwood – Runner up with 32 points – Gilbert Bantoft
Visitors - Winner with Bob Millhouse with 39 points from Winston Johnson Jr runner up with 34 points
Finally, our $200 Member draw was not won and remains at $200 for our next game at Thirlstane Golf Club on 25thMarch.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 7/03/2022 6:03 PM
Subject: Tasmania Write up
Tasmania Golf Club on 4th March
36 players took part in the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club Day hosted by Tasmania Golf Club on 4th March. The weather was ideal and the course was in good condition. Some good scores were posted. Tony Wilton won the MBTGC members prize with 37 points and Roger Stokes A grade, Selwyn Dalton B Grade and Gary Harwood C Grade all had 36 points. The visitor winner was Bob Millhouse with 39 points.
Thanks’ must go to Tasmania Golf Club and admin Manager Karlene Grahame and Golf Professional Scott Priest for supporting the day. Thanks also to bar staff and Razor who cooked a great BBQ. We would also like to thank our sponsor of the day Clennett’s Mitre 10 Kingston Tool Centre.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Tony Wilton with a solid 37 points.
A Grade – Winner with 36 points was local member Roger Stokes with 36 points from Eddie Saville on 34 points.
B Grade - Winner with 36 points was Selwyn Dalton. Runner up with 32 points – David King
C Grade - Winner with 36 points was Gary Harwood – Runner up with 32 points – Gilbert Bantoft
Visitors - Winner with Bob Millhouse with 39 points from Winston Johnson Jr runner up with 34 points
Finally, our $200 Member draw was not won and remains at $200 for our next game at Thirlstane Golf Club on 25thMarch.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 7/02/2022 3:24:38 PM
Subject: Launceston Write up
South win Continental Cup at Launceston Golf Club
Launceston Golf Club hosted the first Master Builders Tas Golf Club game of 2022.
Players were treated to perfect weather on the day and the course was in great condition.
Top score of the day went to Rodney Scott from Claremont with a great score of 38pts.
A grade was won by new member Jordan Woods with 34pts from Mike Rataj on 33pts.
B grade was an Orford affair with Matt Pedler winning with 35pts from Ross Nixon on 33pts.
C Grade was again Orford with Dave Walker 35pts on c/back from Gary Harwood.
Visitors was won by Michael Mischogianis on 31pts
The Continental cup was won by the South for the first time since 2016. The winners had 25 players tee up with the (for the best 75% of their players) avg 31.26 to win from North West with 9 players with the avg 29.3. North did not qualify as they didn’t have the minimum of 8 players this year.
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by Paul Siejka from Continental Builders and Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster/Insulation.
A big thank you to the staff of Launceston Golf Club for assisting us have a successful day.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 7/02/2022 3:24:38 PM
Subject: Launceston Write up
South win Continental Cup at Launceston Golf Club
Launceston Golf Club hosted the first Master Builders Tas Golf Club game of 2022.
Players were treated to perfect weather on the day and the course was in great condition.
Top score of the day went to Rodney Scott from Claremont with a great score of 38pts.
A grade was won by new member Jordan Woods with 34pts from Mike Rataj on 33pts.
B grade was an Orford affair with Matt Pedler winning with 35pts from Ross Nixon on 33pts.
C Grade was again Orford with Dave Walker 35pts on c/back from Gary Harwood.
Visitors was won by Michael Mischogianis on 31pts
The Continental cup was won by the South for the first time since 2016. The winners had 25 players tee up with the (for the best 75% of their players) avg 31.26 to win from North West with 9 players with the avg 29.3. North did not qualify as they didn’t have the minimum of 8 players this year.
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by Paul Siejka from Continental Builders and Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster/Insulation.
A big thank you to the staff of Launceston Golf Club for assisting us have a successful day.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 2/01/2022 11:45:05 AM
Subject: 2021 Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy Results
The Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy has been finalised following our last game for 2021 at Royal Hobart. It comes as no surprise that Selwyn Dalton was the runaway winner on 249 points while Rodney Edwards was second on 201.5 with Peter Sharman third on 193. A very unlucky Eddie Saville finished fourth, a point behind Peter. Congratulations to our winners and also the 54 members who played over the course of the year. Thanks again to Gary Linton and Fletcher Insulation for the support of this Trophy.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 2/01/2022 11:45:05 AM
Subject: 2021 Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy Results
The Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy has been finalised following our last game for 2021 at Royal Hobart. It comes as no surprise that Selwyn Dalton was the runaway winner on 249 points while Rodney Edwards was second on 201.5 with Peter Sharman third on 193. A very unlucky Eddie Saville finished fourth, a point behind Peter. Congratulations to our winners and also the 54 members who played over the course of the year. Thanks again to Gary Linton and Fletcher Insulation for the support of this Trophy.
Eddie Saville
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
– click here for results table
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 7/12/2021 7:41:38 PM
Subject: Royal Hobart Write-up
Royal Hobart Golf Club, our final game of 2021, certainly gave the 40 players a different experience from their normal game of golf at Royal. What a day! After over 30mls of rain fell in an hour on Thursday afternoon the course was like a lakes course. Players were seen removing footwear to wade into water on the fairways and into bunkers to retrieve balls. Some asked for flippers and a snorkel !!. Despite the water the course was in its usual good condition. Thanks go to Matt Docking and greens staff in supporting us to be able to play.
The scores were not reflective of the wet conditions.
The best score on the day for Master Builders Tas Golf Club Members was Gary Linton off 6 handicap with a great 38 points on countback.
Rodney Edwards won A grade with 38 points from Athol Tubb with 37 points on countback from Craig Clark.
Tony Wilton was successful in B grade with 34 pts on c/b from President Ian Mansfield also on 34.
David Walker won C grade {back-to-back wins} with 36 pts from ever consistent Roger Eadie on 34, on c/b from Peter Sharman.
The visitor prize was won by Jordan Woods with 36 points on c/back from Damien Messer with 36.
Nearest the Pins were won by Gary Linton & Martin Brown
The day was Sponsored by Carpet Court and a big thanks to Tim Bomford. Hopefully we will see Tim at more games next year, and challenge Selwyn Dalton in the bright dress stakes.
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 7/12/2021 7:41:38 PM
Subject: Royal Hobart Write-up
Royal Hobart Golf Club, our final game of 2021, certainly gave the 40 players a different experience from their normal game of golf at Royal. What a day! After over 30mls of rain fell in an hour on Thursday afternoon the course was like a lakes course. Players were seen removing footwear to wade into water on the fairways and into bunkers to retrieve balls. Some asked for flippers and a snorkel !!. Despite the water the course was in its usual good condition. Thanks go to Matt Docking and greens staff in supporting us to be able to play.
The scores were not reflective of the wet conditions.
The best score on the day for Master Builders Tas Golf Club Members was Gary Linton off 6 handicap with a great 38 points on countback.
Rodney Edwards won A grade with 38 points from Athol Tubb with 37 points on countback from Craig Clark.
Tony Wilton was successful in B grade with 34 pts on c/b from President Ian Mansfield also on 34.
David Walker won C grade {back-to-back wins} with 36 pts from ever consistent Roger Eadie on 34, on c/b from Peter Sharman.
The visitor prize was won by Jordan Woods with 36 points on c/back from Damien Messer with 36.
Nearest the Pins were won by Gary Linton & Martin Brown
The day was Sponsored by Carpet Court and a big thanks to Tim Bomford. Hopefully we will see Tim at more games next year, and challenge Selwyn Dalton in the bright dress stakes.
Our Member (Attendance) Jackpot was not won so it grows to $150 at our first game in 2022.
Again thanks to Ian Mansfield for assisting in the arranging of the day, Matt Docking and both the greens staff & the bar/catering staff for ensuring we had a great day. To all Members and Sponsors: thanks for your support, please have a great Xmas, stay safe and see you on the course in the New Year. – click here for results table Eddie Saville Secretary |
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 9/11/2021 7:41:38 PM
Subject: Devonport Write Up
33 Members and visitors played at Devonport Country Club last Friday 5th Nov. The weather was great, and the course was in excellent condition, albeit the greens had recently been renovated.
It was a tight affair for the best score on the day for Master Builders Tas Golf Club Members with 5 members tied on 31 stableford points. The computer completed countbacks and winner was Selwyn Dalton. Selwyn has had an outstanding year and won prizes in all A, B and C grades throughout the year and leads our consistency trophy by a large margin.
Paul Wright won A grade with 31 points on c/b from Eddie Saville.
Trevor Johnston was successful in B grade with 28 pts on c/b from Tony Bennett making it an Ulverstone quinella.
David Walker won C grade with 31pts on c/b from Peter Sharman.
The visitor prize was won by local member Vicki Matthews on 38 pts from John Crawford on 37. Vicki has now won back-to-back visitors prizes at Devonport.
Nearest the Pins were won by Neville Smith and Rod Edwards.
The day was Sponsored by Clark Windows and a big thank you to Craig Clark.
Our Member Jackpot was not won so it Jackpots to $100 next game at Royal Hobart on 3rd December.
– click here for results table
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 9/11/2021 7:41:38 PM
Subject: Devonport Write Up
33 Members and visitors played at Devonport Country Club last Friday 5th Nov. The weather was great, and the course was in excellent condition, albeit the greens had recently been renovated.
It was a tight affair for the best score on the day for Master Builders Tas Golf Club Members with 5 members tied on 31 stableford points. The computer completed countbacks and winner was Selwyn Dalton. Selwyn has had an outstanding year and won prizes in all A, B and C grades throughout the year and leads our consistency trophy by a large margin.
Paul Wright won A grade with 31 points on c/b from Eddie Saville.
Trevor Johnston was successful in B grade with 28 pts on c/b from Tony Bennett making it an Ulverstone quinella.
David Walker won C grade with 31pts on c/b from Peter Sharman.
The visitor prize was won by local member Vicki Matthews on 38 pts from John Crawford on 37. Vicki has now won back-to-back visitors prizes at Devonport.
Nearest the Pins were won by Neville Smith and Rod Edwards.
The day was Sponsored by Clark Windows and a big thank you to Craig Clark.
Our Member Jackpot was not won so it Jackpots to $100 next game at Royal Hobart on 3rd December.
– click here for results table
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 27/09/2021 11:08 AM
Subject: Riverside results and report
Riverside Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 17th September. A cool sunny day greeted the 29 players. The golf course was in a heavy condition given the recent wet weather. Scores on the day were lower than normal and reflected the conditions. Thanks go to the Riverside Golf Club. Professional Michael Swan, bar staff and Amanda for assisting with the score cards. A huge thanks to Andrew McConnon and BOSCH Power Tools and Accessories for sponsoring the day with some great prizes.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Roger Eadie with a solid 35 points.
A Grade – Neil Faulks with 32 points won A Grade from Warren Walker 30 points on C/B
B Grade –Selwyn Dalton with 32 points won B Grade from Peter Sharman on 28 on C/B
C Grade – David Walker with 27 points won C Grade from Sam Vickers on 21 points
Visitors – Glen Johnson with 35 points won our visitors prize from Damien Messer 33 points on C/B
NTP's 8th Hole – Selwyn Dalton, 17th Hole – Harry Skledar
Finally, our $250 Member Jackpot draw was won by a very lucky Selwyn Dalton.
Our next schedule game is at Devonport Golf Club on Friday 5th November
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Mon 27/09/2021 11:08 AM
Subject: Riverside results and report
Riverside Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 17th September. A cool sunny day greeted the 29 players. The golf course was in a heavy condition given the recent wet weather. Scores on the day were lower than normal and reflected the conditions. Thanks go to the Riverside Golf Club. Professional Michael Swan, bar staff and Amanda for assisting with the score cards. A huge thanks to Andrew McConnon and BOSCH Power Tools and Accessories for sponsoring the day with some great prizes.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Roger Eadie with a solid 35 points.
A Grade – Neil Faulks with 32 points won A Grade from Warren Walker 30 points on C/B
B Grade –Selwyn Dalton with 32 points won B Grade from Peter Sharman on 28 on C/B
C Grade – David Walker with 27 points won C Grade from Sam Vickers on 21 points
Visitors – Glen Johnson with 35 points won our visitors prize from Damien Messer 33 points on C/B
NTP's 8th Hole – Selwyn Dalton, 17th Hole – Harry Skledar
Finally, our $250 Member Jackpot draw was won by a very lucky Selwyn Dalton.
Our next schedule game is at Devonport Golf Club on Friday 5th November
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 15/08/2021 4:09 PM
Subject: Kingston Beach results and report
Kingston Beach Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 13th August. A cool breezy day greeted the 39 players. The golf course itself was in good condition given the recent wet weather. Thanks go to the KBGC. Professional Daniel, bar staff and Don for assisting with the score cards. A huge thanks to Tim Elmer from Elmos Building Solutions for sponsoring the day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Gary Harwood with a great 41 points. Well done Gaz.
A Grade – Winner with 36 points was Eddie Saville. Runner up John Erends 33 pts
B Grade - Winner with 34 points was Selwyn Dalton from David King on 31pts
C Grade - Winner with 37 points was Chris Chapman from Sam Vickers with 35 points
Visitors - Winner Greg Longmore with 34 points from Damien Messer with 30 points
NTP's 7th Hole – Damien Messer, 18th Hole – Geoff Flint.
Finally, our $200 Member draw was not won and Jackpots to $250 next game at Riverside on 17th September.
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 15/08/2021 4:09 PM
Subject: Kingston Beach results and report
Kingston Beach Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 13th August. A cool breezy day greeted the 39 players. The golf course itself was in good condition given the recent wet weather. Thanks go to the KBGC. Professional Daniel, bar staff and Don for assisting with the score cards. A huge thanks to Tim Elmer from Elmos Building Solutions for sponsoring the day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Gary Harwood with a great 41 points. Well done Gaz.
A Grade – Winner with 36 points was Eddie Saville. Runner up John Erends 33 pts
B Grade - Winner with 34 points was Selwyn Dalton from David King on 31pts
C Grade - Winner with 37 points was Chris Chapman from Sam Vickers with 35 points
Visitors - Winner Greg Longmore with 34 points from Damien Messer with 30 points
NTP's 7th Hole – Damien Messer, 18th Hole – Geoff Flint.
Finally, our $200 Member draw was not won and Jackpots to $250 next game at Riverside on 17th September.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 13/07/2021 9:28:29 PM
Subject: Thirlstane results and report
Thirlstane Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 9th July with a total of 51 players participating. Members were keen to experience the Thirlstane layout as last years event was washed out. An overnight frost made conditions a little cold but this soon turned into a cool sunny day. The course was in excellent condition and a credit to the Club.
Thanks’ must go out to Neville Smith, Tony Dick, Roger Eadie and Mike Rataj for running the day. A special thanks to Lorraine Smith for preparing a magnificent morning tea prior to tee off and a great BBQ at the conclusion of play. We would also like to thank our Sponsors of the day Fairbrother and Rapid Supplies please support these sponsors where possible. Onto the Winners for the days event:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Selwyn Dalton with a magnificent 41 points. Selwyn followed up his 42 points at Tasmania off a 19 handicap in June and this game he played of 15. Well played but the handicapper will get you!!!! .
A Grade - Winner with 40 points - Jason Cochrane from Athol Tubb on 37 points n c/b.
B Grade - Winner with 39 points -Trevor Johnston. Runner up with 37 points – Tony Dick
C Grade - Winner with 34 points - Gilbert Bantoft. Runner up with 33 points – Sam Vickers
Visitors - Winner – Graeme Sward on 38 points from Ben Smith with 37 points
NTP's 6/15 Hole – Ben Smith, 2 & 11Hole – Roger Stokes. 2nd Shot on 7/16 Athol Tubb
Finally, our $150 Member draw was not won and Jackpots to $200 next game at Kingston Beach on August 13th.
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 13/07/2021 9:28:29 PM
Subject: Thirlstane results and report
Thirlstane Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 9th July with a total of 51 players participating. Members were keen to experience the Thirlstane layout as last years event was washed out. An overnight frost made conditions a little cold but this soon turned into a cool sunny day. The course was in excellent condition and a credit to the Club.
Thanks’ must go out to Neville Smith, Tony Dick, Roger Eadie and Mike Rataj for running the day. A special thanks to Lorraine Smith for preparing a magnificent morning tea prior to tee off and a great BBQ at the conclusion of play. We would also like to thank our Sponsors of the day Fairbrother and Rapid Supplies please support these sponsors where possible. Onto the Winners for the days event:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Selwyn Dalton with a magnificent 41 points. Selwyn followed up his 42 points at Tasmania off a 19 handicap in June and this game he played of 15. Well played but the handicapper will get you!!!! .
A Grade - Winner with 40 points - Jason Cochrane from Athol Tubb on 37 points n c/b.
B Grade - Winner with 39 points -Trevor Johnston. Runner up with 37 points – Tony Dick
C Grade - Winner with 34 points - Gilbert Bantoft. Runner up with 33 points – Sam Vickers
Visitors - Winner – Graeme Sward on 38 points from Ben Smith with 37 points
NTP's 6/15 Hole – Ben Smith, 2 & 11Hole – Roger Stokes. 2nd Shot on 7/16 Athol Tubb
Finally, our $150 Member draw was not won and Jackpots to $200 next game at Kingston Beach on August 13th.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 15/06/2021 9:38:28 PM
Subject: Tasmania results and writeup
Tasmania Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 11th June. Initial registrations were 39 players but unfortunately the inclement weather played its part in reducing the final field to 24 players. The golf course itself was in good condition and although wet was very playable. Matthew Pollard the CEO of the Master Builders Association played on the day and members appreciated his presence at the day. Thanks’ must go out to Tasmania golf club and admin Manager Karlene Grahame and Golf Professional Scott Priest for supporting the day. Thanks also to bar staff and Razor who cooked a great BBQ. We would also like to thank our Sponsors of the day Clennett’s Mitre 10 Kingston Tool Centre. If you are after new tools pre tax time see Alex Robb. Let him know you attended the golf day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Selwyn Dalton with a magnificent 42 points. Goodbye 19 handicap!!!!. But what a great score. Well done.
A Grade – Winner with 34 points – Rod Edwards on c/b from Tim Elmer on 34points.
B Grade - Winner with 33 points Tony Wilton. Runner up with 32 points – Tony Dick
C Grade - Winner with 31 points on c/b – Geoff Doig. Runner up with 31 points – Tony Bennett
Visitors - Winner – Chris Woodberry with 25 points
NTP's 8th Hole – Neville Smith, 18th Hole – Roger Stokes
Finally, our $100 Member draw was not won and Jackpots to $150 next game at Thirlstane.
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 15/06/2021 9:38:28 PM
Subject: Tasmania results and writeup
Tasmania Golf Club hosted our MBTGC golf day on 11th June. Initial registrations were 39 players but unfortunately the inclement weather played its part in reducing the final field to 24 players. The golf course itself was in good condition and although wet was very playable. Matthew Pollard the CEO of the Master Builders Association played on the day and members appreciated his presence at the day. Thanks’ must go out to Tasmania golf club and admin Manager Karlene Grahame and Golf Professional Scott Priest for supporting the day. Thanks also to bar staff and Razor who cooked a great BBQ. We would also like to thank our Sponsors of the day Clennett’s Mitre 10 Kingston Tool Centre. If you are after new tools pre tax time see Alex Robb. Let him know you attended the golf day.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Selwyn Dalton with a magnificent 42 points. Goodbye 19 handicap!!!!. But what a great score. Well done.
A Grade – Winner with 34 points – Rod Edwards on c/b from Tim Elmer on 34points.
B Grade - Winner with 33 points Tony Wilton. Runner up with 32 points – Tony Dick
C Grade - Winner with 31 points on c/b – Geoff Doig. Runner up with 31 points – Tony Bennett
Visitors - Winner – Chris Woodberry with 25 points
NTP's 8th Hole – Neville Smith, 18th Hole – Roger Stokes
Finally, our $100 Member draw was not won and Jackpots to $150 next game at Thirlstane.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sat 24/04/2021 5:30 PM
Subject: Ulverstone Report
The annual Eddie French Memorial Shield was held at Ulverstone on 14th May. 31 players teed off in tough conditions, with sun, showers, cool and at times windy conditions prevailing. As usual the course was in great condition, Thanks go to our sponsors for the day Trevor & Deb Johnson from Floor Sanding, Rod Edwards from T&G glass, Clint Van Neutagen from Ulverstone Building Centre, and Hansen Concrete. Please support these business’s as they are great support to our Club each year. Thanks to Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and Golf Professional David Harris who assisted setting up the day together with bar staff, and members who cooked a great BBQ. Rod and Trevor also assisted in getting our results into the card system in a timely manner. As you will see in the results a lot of Ulverstone members used their local knowledge well.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members and winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield went to Peter Sharman with a solid 35 points.
A Grade - 1st with 33 points – Rod Edwards. Runner up with 29 points – Tony Wilton
B Grade - 1st with 31 points - Trevor Johnston Runner up with 27 points – Tony Bennett
C Grade - 1st with 30 points – Roger Eadie. Runner up with 27 points – Gilbert Bantoft
The Visitors prize went to Matthew Streat from North West Bay with 36 points. Runner up with 32 points was Ben Smith.
Nearest the pins went to Darren Kenny on the 9th & Rod Scott on the 18th
Finally, our $100 Member draw was won by Martin Brown.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of players at our next game at Tasmania Golf Club on June 11th.
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sat 24/04/2021 5:30 PM
Subject: Ulverstone Report
The annual Eddie French Memorial Shield was held at Ulverstone on 14th May. 31 players teed off in tough conditions, with sun, showers, cool and at times windy conditions prevailing. As usual the course was in great condition, Thanks go to our sponsors for the day Trevor & Deb Johnson from Floor Sanding, Rod Edwards from T&G glass, Clint Van Neutagen from Ulverstone Building Centre, and Hansen Concrete. Please support these business’s as they are great support to our Club each year. Thanks to Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and Golf Professional David Harris who assisted setting up the day together with bar staff, and members who cooked a great BBQ. Rod and Trevor also assisted in getting our results into the card system in a timely manner. As you will see in the results a lot of Ulverstone members used their local knowledge well.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members and winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield went to Peter Sharman with a solid 35 points.
A Grade - 1st with 33 points – Rod Edwards. Runner up with 29 points – Tony Wilton
B Grade - 1st with 31 points - Trevor Johnston Runner up with 27 points – Tony Bennett
C Grade - 1st with 30 points – Roger Eadie. Runner up with 27 points – Gilbert Bantoft
The Visitors prize went to Matthew Streat from North West Bay with 36 points. Runner up with 32 points was Ben Smith.
Nearest the pins went to Darren Kenny on the 9th & Rod Scott on the 18th
Finally, our $100 Member draw was won by Martin Brown.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of players at our next game at Tasmania Golf Club on June 11th.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sat 24/04/2021 5:30 PM
Subject: Orford results and writeup
Orford Golf Club 16/4/21
Orford Golf Club again turned on the hospitality and in cool and sunny conditions 66 players teed off in the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
The day was supported by a huge number of Orford Members who were keen to play in this Memorial Day as Ken was a popular member of the Orford Golf Club together with being a long-time member of the Master Builders Tas Golf Club
Sponsors for the day were again Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. Thanks to both David and Warren for their ongoing support.
Winners for the day: Sponsor Warren Walker won A grade with a fine score of 37points followed by John Erends with 34pts. B grade winner was Tony McCulloch with 34pts followed by the colourful Selwyn Dalton on 33pts. C grade was won by Steve Rowbottom with 29pts from Sponsor David Walker on 23pts. The Ladies prize was won by Roz Weeding with 33pts from Janice Daff on 31pts. The Visitor’s prize was keenly contested with local Vicki Rowbottom winning with a solid 36pts from Anthony Jones on 35.
But the Prize that everyone was playing for was the Ken Weeding Memorial Shield for the Best Score of the Day and this was won by local member Athol Tubb off a handicap of 10 with 37pts on countback from Warren Walker. Athol was extremely pleased to win the Trophy. Nearest the pins were won by Chris Chapman, Tom Bishop, Paula Read and Hellen Fox. The Member $100 Jackpot draw was won by Tony Wilton. A great BBQ and morning tea was enjoyed by all.
A huge thanks to Sponsors David and Warren Walker Plus assistance on the day from Ross Nixon, Gil Bantoft, Robbie Clayton, Matt Peddler and other Orford committee and members for assisting to make the day a great success. Thanks also to the green staff of the club for turning the course out in excellent condition.
Our next game is at Ulverstone Golf Club on Friday 14th May. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days are most welcome.
You can get more information on the MBA Tas Golf Club at our website
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Sat 24/04/2021 5:30 PM
Subject: Orford results and writeup
Orford Golf Club 16/4/21
Orford Golf Club again turned on the hospitality and in cool and sunny conditions 66 players teed off in the annual Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
The day was supported by a huge number of Orford Members who were keen to play in this Memorial Day as Ken was a popular member of the Orford Golf Club together with being a long-time member of the Master Builders Tas Golf Club
Sponsors for the day were again Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. Thanks to both David and Warren for their ongoing support.
Winners for the day: Sponsor Warren Walker won A grade with a fine score of 37points followed by John Erends with 34pts. B grade winner was Tony McCulloch with 34pts followed by the colourful Selwyn Dalton on 33pts. C grade was won by Steve Rowbottom with 29pts from Sponsor David Walker on 23pts. The Ladies prize was won by Roz Weeding with 33pts from Janice Daff on 31pts. The Visitor’s prize was keenly contested with local Vicki Rowbottom winning with a solid 36pts from Anthony Jones on 35.
But the Prize that everyone was playing for was the Ken Weeding Memorial Shield for the Best Score of the Day and this was won by local member Athol Tubb off a handicap of 10 with 37pts on countback from Warren Walker. Athol was extremely pleased to win the Trophy. Nearest the pins were won by Chris Chapman, Tom Bishop, Paula Read and Hellen Fox. The Member $100 Jackpot draw was won by Tony Wilton. A great BBQ and morning tea was enjoyed by all.
A huge thanks to Sponsors David and Warren Walker Plus assistance on the day from Ross Nixon, Gil Bantoft, Robbie Clayton, Matt Peddler and other Orford committee and members for assisting to make the day a great success. Thanks also to the green staff of the club for turning the course out in excellent condition.
Our next game is at Ulverstone Golf Club on Friday 14th May. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days are most welcome.
You can get more information on the MBA Tas Golf Club at our website
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 8/03/2021 5:56:47 PM
Subject: Claremont results & write up.
Claremont 5th March 2021
The Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club were hosted by Claremont Golf Club on Friday 5th March on a mild and breezy day with a total of 41 players. A big thank you must go to John and Chris Erends for their sponsorship and organisation of the day and for the sponsorship provided by Steeline together Clennetts Mitre 10 and Colorbond.
A mixture of scores for the day, with the best score of the day by a Master Builders Tas Golf Club member was local member Gary Linton with a solid 38pts on countback. Well done Gary. Rod Scott was the winner in A Grade also with 38pts and sponsor John Erends was runner up with 33 pts on countback. Other winning scores were B Grade Selwyn Dalton on 32pts from Trevor Johnson on 30pts, whilst in C Grade Peter Sharman with 36pts was the winner from Gil Bantoft with 35pts . Mick Miller won the Visitors with 36pts from Peter McConnon with 35pts.
For a full run down of the scores see the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy Scores.
A big thanks to Mike Scott who cooked a magnificent BBQ throughout the day. Players were very complimentary of the condition of the course and commented they had never seen it better. Our next event is at Orford Golf Club on Friday 16th April. This is the Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
The members jackpot of $100 was taken out by Ian Mansfield. It pays to be financial and to be there on the day.
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 8/03/2021 5:56:47 PM
Subject: Claremont results & write up.
Claremont 5th March 2021
The Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club were hosted by Claremont Golf Club on Friday 5th March on a mild and breezy day with a total of 41 players. A big thank you must go to John and Chris Erends for their sponsorship and organisation of the day and for the sponsorship provided by Steeline together Clennetts Mitre 10 and Colorbond.
A mixture of scores for the day, with the best score of the day by a Master Builders Tas Golf Club member was local member Gary Linton with a solid 38pts on countback. Well done Gary. Rod Scott was the winner in A Grade also with 38pts and sponsor John Erends was runner up with 33 pts on countback. Other winning scores were B Grade Selwyn Dalton on 32pts from Trevor Johnson on 30pts, whilst in C Grade Peter Sharman with 36pts was the winner from Gil Bantoft with 35pts . Mick Miller won the Visitors with 36pts from Peter McConnon with 35pts.
For a full run down of the scores see the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy Scores.
A big thanks to Mike Scott who cooked a magnificent BBQ throughout the day. Players were very complimentary of the condition of the course and commented they had never seen it better. Our next event is at Orford Golf Club on Friday 16th April. This is the Ken Weeding Memorial Day.
The members jackpot of $100 was taken out by Ian Mansfield. It pays to be financial and to be there on the day.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Fri 16/02/2021
Subject: Launceston results & write up.
North West win Continental Cup at Launceston Golf Club
Launceston Golf Club hosted the first Master Builders Tas Golf Club game of 2021.
The day was very humid and steady rain fell late in the day. But it didn’t deter the North West team as they won back to back Continental Cups. The winners had 8 players tee up with the (for the best 75% of their players) avg. 31.33 to win from South with 16 players with the avg. 30.47. North did not qualify this year.
Top scores for the day went to Rodney Edwards from N West with a great score of 39 points and Selwyn Dalton from North. All other winners are on our Website Home MBT GC
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by John Siejka from Continental Builders as well as Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster/Insulation
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Fri 27/11/2020
Subject: Tasmania results & write up.
Our final MBTGC golf day was held at Tasmania on November 27th.The players were treated to hot sunny weather however this also included extremely windy conditions. The golf course itself was in great condition and was enjoyed by the 40 players that played on the day. Thanks’ must go out to the Tasmania Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day, Admin Manager Karlene Grahame and Golf Professional Scott Priest ensured the day ran smoothly. Thanks also to bar staff and Razor who cooked a great BBQ. We would also like to thank our group of Sponsors for the day. Andrew McConnon from Bosch and Neil Faulks from Action Building Group
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Derrick McPherson with 34 points on count back.
A Grade – Winner with 34 points – Neil Faulks. Runner up with 32 points – Paul Faulks
B Grade - Winner with 31 points on C/b – Mike Rataj. Runner up with 31 points - Athol Tubb
C Grade - Winner with 32 points – Derek Patmore. Runner up with 31 points – Tony Read
Visitors - Winner - Gary Harwood from Orford with 36 points. Runner up with 35 points was Mike Harvey and Allan Swan third with 33 points.
NTP's 8th Hole – Rod Scott, 18th Hole - Mike Rataj
Thanks to all Members, Sponsors and Visitors who attended our games this year. It was a strange year interrupted by COVID -19. Hopefully 2021 will be a full year of golf
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Tue 10/11/2020
Subject: Devonport results & write up
Devonport Country Club turned on great weather for our second last game for 2020. I must say what a magnificent facility has been built there. This was our first visit since completion. The course was in excellent condition, and the greens had recently been renovated.
Master Builders Tas Golf Club Member best score was Rod Edwards with a great 39 points.
Eddie Saville won A grade with 36 points with Neil Faulks runner up with 33 pts.
Paul Baggott was successful in B grade with 34 pts from Shane Cleary on 29. Ever consistent Roger Eadie won C grade with 34pts from Tony Bennett with 33. The visitor prize was won by local member Vicki Matthews on 39 pts from Jason Heatley on 38.
The day was Sponsored by Clark Windows and although Craig wasn’t able to play he still travelled from Smithton to ensure the day went to plan and assisted the starter. Thank you Craig.
Our Member Jackpot never went off so it Jackpots to $150 next game at Tasmania on 27thNovember.
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Tue 10/11/2020
Subject: Devonport results & write up
Devonport Country Club turned on great weather for our second last game for 2020. I must say what a magnificent facility has been built there. This was our first visit since completion. The course was in excellent condition, and the greens had recently been renovated.
Master Builders Tas Golf Club Member best score was Rod Edwards with a great 39 points.
Eddie Saville won A grade with 36 points with Neil Faulks runner up with 33 pts.
Paul Baggott was successful in B grade with 34 pts from Shane Cleary on 29. Ever consistent Roger Eadie won C grade with 34pts from Tony Bennett with 33. The visitor prize was won by local member Vicki Matthews on 39 pts from Jason Heatley on 38.
The day was Sponsored by Clark Windows and although Craig wasn’t able to play he still travelled from Smithton to ensure the day went to plan and assisted the starter. Thank you Craig.
Our Member Jackpot never went off so it Jackpots to $150 next game at Tasmania on 27thNovember.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Wed 21/10/2020 5:04
Subject: Ulverstone results & write up
Players attending our 2020 Ulverstone day on October16th were presented with a mild sunny day. The week prior had been very wet but the golf course itself was in great condition and was enjoyed by the 51 players that attended the day. Thanks must go out to the Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and also to the Golf Professional David Harris who assisted setting up the day together with bar staff and members who cooked a great BBQ. We would also like to thank our group of Sponsors for the day. Andrew McConnon from Bosch, Rod Edwards from T&G glass, Trevor Johnson from Floor Sanding, Clint Van Neutagen from Ulverstone Building Centre, and Hansen Concrete. Rod and Trevor also assisted in getting our results into the card system in a timely manner.
The Course was set up for the Local Club Championships commencing on the 17th October, so the Greens were quick and fairways in good condition.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Eddie Saville with 38 points. Eddie also won the Eddie French Memorial Shield.
A Grade - 1st with 34 points – Rod Edwards. Runner up with 29 points – Tim Elmer
B Grade - 1st with 35 points on a count back – Tony Bennett. Runner up with 35 points – Steve Button
C Grade - 1st with 32 points – Roger Eadie. Runner up with 29 points – Gilbert Bantoft
The Visitors prize went to Peter Kubank from Ulverstone with 37 points. Runner up with 35 points was Eric Howells.
Novelty Prizes and NTP's were won by numerous players as a card draw was conducted to hand out all remaining sponsors prizes.
Finally, our $100 Member draw was won by Rod Edwards.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of players at our next game at Devonport Golf Club on November 6th.
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: Wed 21/10/2020 5:04
Subject: Ulverstone results & write up
Players attending our 2020 Ulverstone day on October16th were presented with a mild sunny day. The week prior had been very wet but the golf course itself was in great condition and was enjoyed by the 51 players that attended the day. Thanks must go out to the Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and also to the Golf Professional David Harris who assisted setting up the day together with bar staff and members who cooked a great BBQ. We would also like to thank our group of Sponsors for the day. Andrew McConnon from Bosch, Rod Edwards from T&G glass, Trevor Johnson from Floor Sanding, Clint Van Neutagen from Ulverstone Building Centre, and Hansen Concrete. Rod and Trevor also assisted in getting our results into the card system in a timely manner.
The Course was set up for the Local Club Championships commencing on the 17th October, so the Greens were quick and fairways in good condition.
Winners for the day were as follows:
MBT GC Member Prizes:
The best stableford score for MBT GC Members went to Eddie Saville with 38 points. Eddie also won the Eddie French Memorial Shield.
A Grade - 1st with 34 points – Rod Edwards. Runner up with 29 points – Tim Elmer
B Grade - 1st with 35 points on a count back – Tony Bennett. Runner up with 35 points – Steve Button
C Grade - 1st with 32 points – Roger Eadie. Runner up with 29 points – Gilbert Bantoft
The Visitors prize went to Peter Kubank from Ulverstone with 37 points. Runner up with 35 points was Eric Howells.
Novelty Prizes and NTP's were won by numerous players as a card draw was conducted to hand out all remaining sponsors prizes.
Finally, our $100 Member draw was won by Rod Edwards.
Hopefully, we will see a good turnout of players at our next game at Devonport Golf Club on November 6th.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 5/09/2020 6:37:35 PM
Subject: Claremont results & write up
Claremont Golf Club hosted us on Friday 28 August on a cold and windy day with a total of 45 players.
Massive thanks must go to Johnny and Chris Erends for their organisation of the day and for the sponsorship provided from Steeline together with Colorbond, and Clennett Mitre 10.
The scores for the day reflected the conditions as the best score of the day by a Master Builders Tas Golf Club member was Steve Button with 36 pts. Well done Steve.
Chris Erends finished 1st A Grade with 34 pts and Craig Clark was runner up with 32 pts on countback.
Other winning scores were B Grade Shane Cleary on 33pts from Peter Johnson on 29pts, whilst in C Grade Steve Rowbottom with 28 pts was the winner on countback from Dave Walker. Mike Scott won the Visitors with 31pts on countback from Phil Brown.
For a full run down of the scores see the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy Scores.
Our next event is at Thirstane Golf Club on Friday 25 September.
Eddie Saville
From: The Secretary
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 6/08/2020 9:42:55 PM
Subject: Orford results & write up
Orford turned on the hospitality and great weather for the Ken Weeding Memorial Day. We had 70 players with 34 of those being visitors.
It was another very successful day thanks to the kind generosity of sponsors Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. The day started with a magnificent morning tea, supplied by Orford members, followed by a magnificent BBQ throughout the day. All prizes were supplied by the sponsors, which is much appreciated. The day was supported by a huge number of Orford Members who were keen to play in this Memorial Day as Ken was a popular member of the Orford Golf Club together with being a long-time member of the MBT GC. When presenting prizes to the winners David Walker was proud to mention that the turnout today was a reflection on Ken's standing in the community and both golf Clubs and made special mention of Ken's family who played on the day.
MBT GC prizes went to John Erends, who won the A grade with 37pts from Tony Wilton on 36pts. B grade winner David King with 36pts followed by Gil Bantoft with 34pts. C grade went to David Walker with 33pts whilst Roger Eadie was runner up with 28. Visitor winner was Paul Read who had 34pts (not bad off +5) from Warren Walker with 32pts. Lady visitor’s winner was Paula Read with 27pts followed by Fiona Smith with 26 on c/b.
But the Prize that everyone was playing for was the Ken Weeding Memorial Shield for the Best Score of the Day and this was won by local member Ross Nixon with 38pts. Ross said winning this trophy was the highlight of his golfing career.
Nearest the pins were won by Steven Rowbottom and Fiona Smith.
The Member Jackpot draw was won by new Member Michael Coe who took away $150.00
Again, a big thanks to Sponsors David and Warren Walker, plus assistance on the day by Ross Nixon, Gil Bantoft, Robbie Clayton, Matt Peddler and John Smith plus other Orford members for assisting to make the day a great success.
Our next MBT GC game is at Claremont Golf Club on 28th August. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days is most welcome. Details can be found here
Eddie Saville
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 6/08/2020 9:42:55 PM
Subject: Orford results & write up
Orford turned on the hospitality and great weather for the Ken Weeding Memorial Day. We had 70 players with 34 of those being visitors.
It was another very successful day thanks to the kind generosity of sponsors Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking. The day started with a magnificent morning tea, supplied by Orford members, followed by a magnificent BBQ throughout the day. All prizes were supplied by the sponsors, which is much appreciated. The day was supported by a huge number of Orford Members who were keen to play in this Memorial Day as Ken was a popular member of the Orford Golf Club together with being a long-time member of the MBT GC. When presenting prizes to the winners David Walker was proud to mention that the turnout today was a reflection on Ken's standing in the community and both golf Clubs and made special mention of Ken's family who played on the day.
MBT GC prizes went to John Erends, who won the A grade with 37pts from Tony Wilton on 36pts. B grade winner David King with 36pts followed by Gil Bantoft with 34pts. C grade went to David Walker with 33pts whilst Roger Eadie was runner up with 28. Visitor winner was Paul Read who had 34pts (not bad off +5) from Warren Walker with 32pts. Lady visitor’s winner was Paula Read with 27pts followed by Fiona Smith with 26 on c/b.
But the Prize that everyone was playing for was the Ken Weeding Memorial Shield for the Best Score of the Day and this was won by local member Ross Nixon with 38pts. Ross said winning this trophy was the highlight of his golfing career.
Nearest the pins were won by Steven Rowbottom and Fiona Smith.
The Member Jackpot draw was won by new Member Michael Coe who took away $150.00
Again, a big thanks to Sponsors David and Warren Walker, plus assistance on the day by Ross Nixon, Gil Bantoft, Robbie Clayton, Matt Peddler and John Smith plus other Orford members for assisting to make the day a great success.
Our next MBT GC game is at Claremont Golf Club on 28th August. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days is most welcome. Details can be found here
Eddie Saville
From: "Neil Faulks"
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 28/07/2020 9:55:17 PM
Dear Members & Guests
please be advised that in response to Covid-19 guidelines, our program for the remainder of 2020 has been reactivated, albeit with a few changes (click HERE) .... for further updates, watch this space...
Neil Faulks
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 28/07/2020 9:55:17 PM
Dear Members & Guests
please be advised that in response to Covid-19 guidelines, our program for the remainder of 2020 has been reactivated, albeit with a few changes (click HERE) .... for further updates, watch this space...
Neil Faulks
Hornibrook 2020 ~ Postponed until 2021
The Hornibrook event scheduled for Sydney 11 to 16 Oct 2020 has been cancelled see the details below received from MBE Golf Sydney
It is proposed to hold this event next year details will be advised in due course.
Our own events schedule is on hold until further notice.
Taking into consideration all of the above points we have decided to cancel this years event and the responses already received from state captains gives us the approval to hold the event next year same time and same location and hopefully same golf courses. We will also have to advise you on any cost changes that may occur.
Some people might think we are calling this too early but our best chance of holding a successful event will be next year not this year.”
The Hornibrook event scheduled for Sydney 11 to 16 Oct 2020 has been cancelled see the details below received from MBE Golf Sydney
It is proposed to hold this event next year details will be advised in due course.
Our own events schedule is on hold until further notice.
- “Sponsors - We don’t think it is wise to promote this event and not give our sponsors the best possible avenue to obtain return from their investment, also it would be extremely difficult to find additional sponsors at this time
- Players - We expect it to be extremely hard for players to commit to our event at this time, either due to health reasons or financial capacity during these coming months when a decision must be made.
- Crown plaza The hotel is being flexible with our contract and have offered us the opportunity to postpone our event until next year, subject to availability.
- Coronavirus Listening to the so called experts we are looking at a minimum 6 months shutdown of normal living conditions where one can expect to be freely able to visit restaurants and clubs , hold functions and play golf in normal operating conditions and feel 100% safe in doing these activities.
Taking into consideration all of the above points we have decided to cancel this years event and the responses already received from state captains gives us the approval to hold the event next year same time and same location and hopefully same golf courses. We will also have to advise you on any cost changes that may occur.
Some people might think we are calling this too early but our best chance of holding a successful event will be next year not this year.”
------ Original Message ------
From: The Captain
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 20/03/2020 5:38:17 AM
Subject: Ulverstone Cancellation
Dear Members & Guests
It is with regret that I inform you that the Master Builders Golf Club day at the Ulverstone Golf Club scheduled for the 3rd of April has been postponed due to the Coronavirus threat. As our golf club is aligned with the Masters Builders Tasmania it is prudent for our club to exercise similar caution to the Master Builders policy in regards to this situation.
We will issue another communique once more is know about the future threat of the virus and gatherings such as ours.
Neil Faulks
From: The Captain
To: The NEWS Desk
Sent: 20/03/2020 5:38:17 AM
Subject: Ulverstone Cancellation
Dear Members & Guests
It is with regret that I inform you that the Master Builders Golf Club day at the Ulverstone Golf Club scheduled for the 3rd of April has been postponed due to the Coronavirus threat. As our golf club is aligned with the Masters Builders Tasmania it is prudent for our club to exercise similar caution to the Master Builders policy in regards to this situation.
We will issue another communique once more is know about the future threat of the virus and gatherings such as ours.
Neil Faulks
------ Original Message ------
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: Tue 14/01/2020 8:57 PM
Subject: Happy New Year + 2019 Wrap + 2020 Start-up
Greetings Members, Sponsors and regular visitors,
2019 was another successful year for the Club. We had good numbers at most events
Our final round was at Devonport Golf Club which was in very good condition with the new Clubhouse development almost completed. Best Golf Club Member score was Gil Bantoft with 36 points. Anthony Frost had the best score of the day with 37 and won the visitor prize. Check out the website at for the full list of winners.
The 2019 winner of the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy is Neil Faulks on 150 points from Trevor Johnston on 126 and Sam Vickers on 124. Click here to see how you went.
Our first game for 2020 will be the Continental Cup to be played at Launceston Golf Club on Friday 31 January, then Kingston Beach on 6 March. The notice calling for registrations for Launceston will be out on email in the next couple of days.
The 62nd Master Builders National Championships will be in Sydney this year with excellent courses selected; St. Michael's, NSW and Bonny Doon Golf Clubs. Book the week of October 11 to 16 free from work and join the team in Sydney.
See you at Launceston.
Kind Regards
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: Tue 14/01/2020 8:57 PM
Subject: Happy New Year + 2019 Wrap + 2020 Start-up
Greetings Members, Sponsors and regular visitors,
2019 was another successful year for the Club. We had good numbers at most events
Our final round was at Devonport Golf Club which was in very good condition with the new Clubhouse development almost completed. Best Golf Club Member score was Gil Bantoft with 36 points. Anthony Frost had the best score of the day with 37 and won the visitor prize. Check out the website at for the full list of winners.
The 2019 winner of the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy is Neil Faulks on 150 points from Trevor Johnston on 126 and Sam Vickers on 124. Click here to see how you went.
Our first game for 2020 will be the Continental Cup to be played at Launceston Golf Club on Friday 31 January, then Kingston Beach on 6 March. The notice calling for registrations for Launceston will be out on email in the next couple of days.
The 62nd Master Builders National Championships will be in Sydney this year with excellent courses selected; St. Michael's, NSW and Bonny Doon Golf Clubs. Book the week of October 11 to 16 free from work and join the team in Sydney.
See you at Launceston.
Kind Regards
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
------ Original Message ------
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 04/11/2019 12:18:47 PM
Subject: Tasmania Golf Club Event ~ Friday 1st November 2019
The Tasmania Golf Club day was another combined Master Builders Tasmania and MBA Tas Golf Club event. Thanks to Clyde Sharp for his efforts in arranging the day and securing sponsorship of the event. We had a good field with a number of MBA member teams taking part.
Tasmania Golf Club was in superb condition and we thank them for making the course available to us the day before their Club Championships started. The “gentle breeze” which prevailed for most of the day made the golf challenging but a number of good scores were returned.
Neil Faulks had the best score of the day with 37 points and the team of Mike Rataj, David King, Greg Treweek and Roger Stokes won the Team Best Ball event on a countback with 51 points.
The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
Our final event for 2019 is at Devonport Golf Club on Friday 29 November.
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 04/11/2019 12:18:47 PM
Subject: Tasmania Golf Club Event ~ Friday 1st November 2019
The Tasmania Golf Club day was another combined Master Builders Tasmania and MBA Tas Golf Club event. Thanks to Clyde Sharp for his efforts in arranging the day and securing sponsorship of the event. We had a good field with a number of MBA member teams taking part.
Tasmania Golf Club was in superb condition and we thank them for making the course available to us the day before their Club Championships started. The “gentle breeze” which prevailed for most of the day made the golf challenging but a number of good scores were returned.
Neil Faulks had the best score of the day with 37 points and the team of Mike Rataj, David King, Greg Treweek and Roger Stokes won the Team Best Ball event on a countback with 51 points.
The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
Our final event for 2019 is at Devonport Golf Club on Friday 29 November.
------ Original Message ------
From: The Secretary To: The News Desk Sent: 21/10/2019 12:35:47 PM Subject: Orford Golf Day 20 September 2019 Our last event at Orford was a great day arranged by Dave Walker and his helpers. Thanks Dave for arranging the support from Tassal, Airport Undercover Parking and Walkers Coaches. 40 players took part and enjoyed the BBQ cooked by Matt Pedler. The winner of the Ken Weeding Memorial Shield was local Member, Chris Chapman with 37 points on a count-back from Martin Brown. The adjacent picture is of Chris being presented with the shield by Dave Walker. For a full run down of the scores see the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy Scores. Our next event is at Tasmania Golf Club on Friday 1st November. |
------ Original Message ------
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 2/09/2019 10:17:28 PM
Subject: Claremont Event
Claremont Golf Club hosted us on Friday 23 August on a cold and windy day. Luckily the previous days of rain avoided us.
Massive thanks must go to Johnny Erends for his organisation of the day and for the sponsorship he provided from Steeline and arranged through Colorbond, BlueScope and Clennett Mitre 10.
He was suitably rewarded for his efforts by winning the voucher for best score of the day by a MBA Tas Golf Club member. 41 points is a very tidy effort even if it is on your home course.
Chris Erends and Neil Faulks playing in the same group as John finished 1st and 2nd in A Grade with 38 and 35 points respectively. Lucky their 4th player is a man of integrity, so no investigation was called for.
Other winning scores were Peter Johnson 34 and Ross Nixon 30 in B Grade, Sam Vickers 38 and Mick Miller 35 in C Grade and Gary Rowbottom 35 and Peter Lane 32 in the Visitors.
For a full run down of the scores see the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy Scores.
Our next event is at Orford Golf Club on Friday 20 September.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 2/09/2019 10:17:28 PM
Subject: Claremont Event
Claremont Golf Club hosted us on Friday 23 August on a cold and windy day. Luckily the previous days of rain avoided us.
Massive thanks must go to Johnny Erends for his organisation of the day and for the sponsorship he provided from Steeline and arranged through Colorbond, BlueScope and Clennett Mitre 10.
He was suitably rewarded for his efforts by winning the voucher for best score of the day by a MBA Tas Golf Club member. 41 points is a very tidy effort even if it is on your home course.
Chris Erends and Neil Faulks playing in the same group as John finished 1st and 2nd in A Grade with 38 and 35 points respectively. Lucky their 4th player is a man of integrity, so no investigation was called for.
Other winning scores were Peter Johnson 34 and Ross Nixon 30 in B Grade, Sam Vickers 38 and Mick Miller 35 in C Grade and Gary Rowbottom 35 and Peter Lane 32 in the Visitors.
For a full run down of the scores see the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy Scores.
Our next event is at Orford Golf Club on Friday 20 September.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
------ Original Message ------
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 8/07/2019 8:37:28 PM
Subject: Royal Hobart Event
We were welcomed to Royal Hobart Golf Club with beautiful weather and fantastic conditions on course. Our field of 32 players included a number of guests and it is pleasing to see members bringing along people to swell our ranks. Welcome to Justin Smith who joined the Club on the day.
The results read a bit like a past or present Committee list with Col Heron (Life Member) having the best score of the day with 41 points. A Grade went to Roger Stokes (Secretary) from Neil Faulks (Captain). B Grade was won by Ian Mansfield (President and Life Member) from Mike Rataj, and C Grade, Peter Johnson (Committee) from Sam Vickers. Steve Frith won the visitors from Paul Read.
See the results page for the other details and check out the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy scores for a run down on the day’s performances and the overall standings.
Our next event is at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 23 August.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 8/07/2019 8:37:28 PM
Subject: Royal Hobart Event
We were welcomed to Royal Hobart Golf Club with beautiful weather and fantastic conditions on course. Our field of 32 players included a number of guests and it is pleasing to see members bringing along people to swell our ranks. Welcome to Justin Smith who joined the Club on the day.
The results read a bit like a past or present Committee list with Col Heron (Life Member) having the best score of the day with 41 points. A Grade went to Roger Stokes (Secretary) from Neil Faulks (Captain). B Grade was won by Ian Mansfield (President and Life Member) from Mike Rataj, and C Grade, Peter Johnson (Committee) from Sam Vickers. Steve Frith won the visitors from Paul Read.
See the results page for the other details and check out the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy scores for a run down on the day’s performances and the overall standings.
Our next event is at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 23 August.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
------ Original Message ------
From: The Secretary To: The News Desk Sent: 15/05/2019 9:25:00 AM Subject: Launceston Country Club I start this report with a huge Thank You to Andrew McConnon and Bosch for the fantastic range of product they supplied as prizes for our day at Prospect Vale Golf Club (Launceston Country Club). If members are in the market for power tools remember to consider this sponsor’s products when making your selection. The overall winner for Best Score by a member of the MBA Tas Golf Club was Mike Rataj with 35 points. Mike (right) is pictured receiving a 6 piece tool kit from Andrew. Other Bosch 2 piece kits went to the winners of A grade (Gary Linton), B Grade (Selwyn Dalton) and C Grade (Gil Bantoft). The best score of the day was James Wardlaw who was a visitor to the MBA day although a local member at Prospect Vale. James shot a very respectable 40 points. |
Thanks also to Club Professional, Bryce Gorman for all his work arranging the day. Unfortunately Bryce had no control over the weather and we played in cold and sometimes wet conditions. Despite this the course was in great condition and even though most scores were on the lower side everyone appreciated the chance to take home the goods supplied by Bosch.
Our next day is at Thirlstane Golf Club on Friday 7 June. The Member Jackpot will be $200 as John Siejka was not present at Launceston when his name was drawn. I look forward to seeing you there.
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
Our next day is at Thirlstane Golf Club on Friday 7 June. The Member Jackpot will be $200 as John Siejka was not present at Launceston when his name was drawn. I look forward to seeing you there.
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
------ Original Message ------
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 26/04/2019 8:27:56 AM
Subject: Ulverstone Golf Day
We were presented with a fine and mild day for the Ulverstone Golf Day on April the 12th. The golf course itself was in fantastic condition and was enjoyed by the players that attended the day. Thanks must go out to the Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and also to the bar and kitchen. We as a club would also like to thank Clyde Sharp from the Master Builders Tasmania for his work behind the scenes to arrange sponsorship, the fantastic prizes and the food for the day. Hopefully there will be many more Master Builders Tasmania (MBT) and Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club (MBT GC) joint days in the future. Our next joint event is as the Tasmania Golf Club on November the 1st.
Now to the golf results. We had two competitions for the day, an Individual Stableford event and a Team's Event Best Ball. As you will see it seemed the C Graders struggled a bit with the length of the Ulverstone layout, but we are sure they enjoyed the points they amassed. Congratulations to all the winners.
The Team's Event was taken out by locals Dave Walker, John Brett, Andrew Lewtas and Alex Smith with a very good team score of 49 points. Another northern team of Tony Dick, Paul Baggot, Mike Rataj and Sam Vickers came in second with a score of 47 points.
MBT/MBT GC Member Prizes
A Grade - 1st with 33 points - Martin Brown. Runner up with 31 points - Craig Clark
B Grade - 1st with 32 points on a count back - Trevor Johnson. Runner up with 32 points - Paul Baggot
C Grade - 1st with 29 points - Sam Vickers. Runner up with 26 points - Kent Bishop
The best stableford score for MBT/MBT GC Members went to Neil Faulks with 36 points. Neil successfully defending his Eddie French Memorial Shield he won last year.
The Visitors prize went to Dave Walker from Ulverstone (local knowledge!) with 37 points. Runner up with 36 points was Barry Bourke.
Novelty Prizes - NTP's on the 9th and 18th holes were won by Kent Bishop and Jamie Kay respectively. Longest Drives in A, B & C grades were taken out by Craig Clark, Clint Edwards and Glenn Johnson. Closest to the pin for the 3rd shot on the 17th went to Neil Faulks.
Hopefully we will see as many players at Prospect Vale Golf Club (Country Club Casino) on May the 10th. Bosch has come on board with some great prizes for the day. Winning the best MBT GC Member score for the day will get the winner an 18volt 6 piece Bosch kit. A great prize!!!!! Please come along and support the day and a great NEW sponsor.
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 26/04/2019 8:27:56 AM
Subject: Ulverstone Golf Day
We were presented with a fine and mild day for the Ulverstone Golf Day on April the 12th. The golf course itself was in fantastic condition and was enjoyed by the players that attended the day. Thanks must go out to the Ulverstone Golf Club for allowing us to play on the day and also to the bar and kitchen. We as a club would also like to thank Clyde Sharp from the Master Builders Tasmania for his work behind the scenes to arrange sponsorship, the fantastic prizes and the food for the day. Hopefully there will be many more Master Builders Tasmania (MBT) and Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club (MBT GC) joint days in the future. Our next joint event is as the Tasmania Golf Club on November the 1st.
Now to the golf results. We had two competitions for the day, an Individual Stableford event and a Team's Event Best Ball. As you will see it seemed the C Graders struggled a bit with the length of the Ulverstone layout, but we are sure they enjoyed the points they amassed. Congratulations to all the winners.
The Team's Event was taken out by locals Dave Walker, John Brett, Andrew Lewtas and Alex Smith with a very good team score of 49 points. Another northern team of Tony Dick, Paul Baggot, Mike Rataj and Sam Vickers came in second with a score of 47 points.
MBT/MBT GC Member Prizes
A Grade - 1st with 33 points - Martin Brown. Runner up with 31 points - Craig Clark
B Grade - 1st with 32 points on a count back - Trevor Johnson. Runner up with 32 points - Paul Baggot
C Grade - 1st with 29 points - Sam Vickers. Runner up with 26 points - Kent Bishop
The best stableford score for MBT/MBT GC Members went to Neil Faulks with 36 points. Neil successfully defending his Eddie French Memorial Shield he won last year.
The Visitors prize went to Dave Walker from Ulverstone (local knowledge!) with 37 points. Runner up with 36 points was Barry Bourke.
Novelty Prizes - NTP's on the 9th and 18th holes were won by Kent Bishop and Jamie Kay respectively. Longest Drives in A, B & C grades were taken out by Craig Clark, Clint Edwards and Glenn Johnson. Closest to the pin for the 3rd shot on the 17th went to Neil Faulks.
Hopefully we will see as many players at Prospect Vale Golf Club (Country Club Casino) on May the 10th. Bosch has come on board with some great prizes for the day. Winning the best MBT GC Member score for the day will get the winner an 18volt 6 piece Bosch kit. A great prize!!!!! Please come along and support the day and a great NEW sponsor.
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
------ Original Message ------
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 28/03/2019 10:00:02 PM
Subject: Llanherne Gold Day
Llanherne Golf Club put on a fine cloudy day to start, but it ended up being very nice day indeed. The golf course was in fantastic condition (if you stayed on the fairways). The greens were exceptional and congratulations must go out to the club on their presentation. I would also like to thank Dennis and Graeme at the club for being so easy to deal with.
As to the golf, well a few warmed to the challenge and scored well. Others just came for the walk and scenery. Ian Mansfield wasn't there at all and missed out on the Member Jackpot of $200.
A Grade was won by Neil Faulks with 40 points, B Grade by Trevor Johnston with 41 points and C Grade by Gilbert Bantoft with 35 points. The winners list can be viewed on the Llanherne results page or the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy scores for the day.
Our next fixture is Ulverstone Golf Club. Great prizes will be available and a BBQ provided. Please come along and support this day as I know they will welcome a big field and a little extra patronage.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: The Secretary
To: The News Desk
Sent: 28/03/2019 10:00:02 PM
Subject: Llanherne Gold Day
Llanherne Golf Club put on a fine cloudy day to start, but it ended up being very nice day indeed. The golf course was in fantastic condition (if you stayed on the fairways). The greens were exceptional and congratulations must go out to the club on their presentation. I would also like to thank Dennis and Graeme at the club for being so easy to deal with.
As to the golf, well a few warmed to the challenge and scored well. Others just came for the walk and scenery. Ian Mansfield wasn't there at all and missed out on the Member Jackpot of $200.
A Grade was won by Neil Faulks with 40 points, B Grade by Trevor Johnston with 41 points and C Grade by Gilbert Bantoft with 35 points. The winners list can be viewed on the Llanherne results page or the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy scores for the day.
Our next fixture is Ulverstone Golf Club. Great prizes will be available and a BBQ provided. Please come along and support this day as I know they will welcome a big field and a little extra patronage.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
------ Original Message ------
From: Roger Stokes .
To: The News Desk
Sent: 5/03/2019 10:08:41 PM
Subject: Continental Cup played at Launceston Golf Club
Many thanks to John Siejka for continuing the tradition started by his father as Continental Builders again hosted the Regional Teams event, the Continental Cup, at Launceston Golf Club.
Congratulations to the North West, taking the trophy with an average score of 29.22 from South on 27.11. Numbers were a little disappointing with the North unable to field enough players to qualify.
The best individual score on the day was Neville Smith with 37 points. Unfortunately for Gil Bantoft, he and his travelling partners left early and he was not there when his name was drawn for the Member Jackpot. This means it will be $200 at Llanherne on 22 March.
Kind Regards
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
------ Original Message ------
From: Roger Stokes .
To: The News Desk
Sent: 5/02/2019 9:23:57 PM
Subject: 2019 Golf Days
Welcome to the 2019 program of events for the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club. I hope you participate in as many of the days as you can and share the company of your fellow Members across the State.
Course & Date
It is common sense that as participants in Master Builders Golf Days our presentation and conduct should reflect well on our organisation.
Consistent with the standards of all clubs, smart attire is required at all times. Members are required to wear collared shirts with tailored pants or shorts. Predominantly white socks must be worn with shorts. Jeans, track suits, shorts or pants with cargo style pockets, singlets, tank tops etc. are not permitted.
Members are responsible for the conduct and dress of their guests.
Good Golfing
Roger Stokes
Secretary MB Tas GC
From: Roger Stokes .
To: The News Desk
Sent: 5/02/2019 9:23:57 PM
Subject: 2019 Golf Days
Welcome to the 2019 program of events for the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club. I hope you participate in as many of the days as you can and share the company of your fellow Members across the State.
Course & Date
- Kingston Beach Golf Club Friday 1 February 2019
- Launceston Golf Club Friday 1 March 2019
- Llanherne Golf Club Friday 22 March 2019
- Ulverstone Golf Club Friday 12 April 2019
- Launceston Country Club Friday 10 May 2019
- Thirlstane Golf Club Friday 7 June 2019
- Royal Hobart Golf Club Thursday 4 July 2019
- Claremont Golf Club Friday 23 August 2019
- Orford Golf Club Friday 20 September 2019
- Adelaide (Victor Harbour, West Lakes and Glenelg Golf Courses) ~ National Tournament incl. M R Hornibrook Cup 13 to 17 October 2019
- Tasmania Golf Club Friday 1 November 2019
- Devonport Golf Club Friday 29 November 2019
It is common sense that as participants in Master Builders Golf Days our presentation and conduct should reflect well on our organisation.
Consistent with the standards of all clubs, smart attire is required at all times. Members are required to wear collared shirts with tailored pants or shorts. Predominantly white socks must be worn with shorts. Jeans, track suits, shorts or pants with cargo style pockets, singlets, tank tops etc. are not permitted.
Members are responsible for the conduct and dress of their guests.
Good Golfing
Roger Stokes
Secretary MB Tas GC
------ Original Message ------
From: Roger Stokes .
To: The News Desk
Sent: 5/02/2019 9:23:57 PM
Subject: Kingston Beach Golf Day Report
First Event for 2019
Kingston Beach was in great condition and there were no excuses for the weather as well. We had a field of 27 which was slightly down on what we had expected however all enjoyed the day and the BBQ supplied by the Club.
Our sincere thanks go to Martin Tringrove from the Hanson Heidelberg Cement Group for the company’s generous support of the day.
The best scores of the day were John Erends in A Grade and Tony Bennett in B Grade with 39 points each. Leon Cahir won C Grade with 37 points using his home course knowledge to advantage.
Our next game is at Launceston Golf Club on 1 March and is a joint day with the Master Builders Tasmania.
Kind Regards
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: Roger Stokes .
To: The News Desk
Sent: 5/02/2019 9:23:57 PM
Subject: Kingston Beach Golf Day Report
First Event for 2019
Kingston Beach was in great condition and there were no excuses for the weather as well. We had a field of 27 which was slightly down on what we had expected however all enjoyed the day and the BBQ supplied by the Club.
Our sincere thanks go to Martin Tringrove from the Hanson Heidelberg Cement Group for the company’s generous support of the day.
The best scores of the day were John Erends in A Grade and Tony Bennett in B Grade with 39 points each. Leon Cahir won C Grade with 37 points using his home course knowledge to advantage.
Our next game is at Launceston Golf Club on 1 March and is a joint day with the Master Builders Tasmania.
Kind Regards
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
------ Original Message ------
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 15/01/2019 3:34:56 PM
Subject: To our Members, Sponsors and regular Visitors,
Thanks for your participation through 2018. We have had good numbers at most events and look forward to making the 2019 season an even better year.
Last Friday was our final round and Devonport Golf Club looked after us very well. Best Golf Club Member score was John Erends with 37 points. Matt Marston had the best score of the day with 38 and won the visitor prize. Check out the website at for the full list of winners.
The 2018 winner of the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy is Selwyn Dalton on 167 points from Sam Vickers on 151 and Neil Faulks on 133. See how you went in the attached result list. How much closer would it have been if Sam had been able to play last Friday?
And speaking of people who didn't get to the last game, Greg Treweek was drawn out for the $400 member jackpot but was not there. Unlucky Treeks! Tony Bennett didn't mind though as he collected $100 in a consolation draw for the last game of the year. Our member jackpot will start again at $100 next year.
2019 will start with a game at Kingston Beach Golf Club in early February. We have not held a day there for a while, so it is a good opportunity to play a different layout.
The Master Builders National Championships are in South Australia in October 2019. Tasmania took a team of 24 to Brisbane in 2018 and would like to increase that number for 2019. We might not have won the event last year (we came 4th) but we did have the biggest group and even out numberer the host State. Don't be the one saying "I'll go if you go", say "Come on, let’s go and have a week of fun"! Have a look at the invitation.
Enjoy your Christmas and may Santa bring you that golf swing you have always wanted.
Kind Regards
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 15/01/2019 3:34:56 PM
Subject: To our Members, Sponsors and regular Visitors,
Thanks for your participation through 2018. We have had good numbers at most events and look forward to making the 2019 season an even better year.
Last Friday was our final round and Devonport Golf Club looked after us very well. Best Golf Club Member score was John Erends with 37 points. Matt Marston had the best score of the day with 38 and won the visitor prize. Check out the website at for the full list of winners.
The 2018 winner of the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy is Selwyn Dalton on 167 points from Sam Vickers on 151 and Neil Faulks on 133. See how you went in the attached result list. How much closer would it have been if Sam had been able to play last Friday?
And speaking of people who didn't get to the last game, Greg Treweek was drawn out for the $400 member jackpot but was not there. Unlucky Treeks! Tony Bennett didn't mind though as he collected $100 in a consolation draw for the last game of the year. Our member jackpot will start again at $100 next year.
2019 will start with a game at Kingston Beach Golf Club in early February. We have not held a day there for a while, so it is a good opportunity to play a different layout.
The Master Builders National Championships are in South Australia in October 2019. Tasmania took a team of 24 to Brisbane in 2018 and would like to increase that number for 2019. We might not have won the event last year (we came 4th) but we did have the biggest group and even out numberer the host State. Don't be the one saying "I'll go if you go", say "Come on, let’s go and have a week of fun"! Have a look at the invitation.
Enjoy your Christmas and may Santa bring you that golf swing you have always wanted.
Kind Regards
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
--- Original Message -----
From: Neil Faulks
To: The News Desk
Sent: 2/11/2018 12:46:43 PM
Subject: Master Builders Australia Golf
Good afternoon fellow golfers
Just a bit of news to share with you all. The Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club Team recently competed in the Master Builders Australia Golf Tournament (MR Hornibrook Trophy) in Brisbane Queensland. Our Tasmanian team finished a creditable 4th out of the 7 teams competing. Great job team! As usual it was great to catch up with friends from interstate and also to meet new fellow Master Builders golfers. Also the hospitality provided by the Queensland Master Builders Golf Club fantastic. Best valued tournament in Australia I think!
Next year we are off to South Australia and we will be doing it all again based at the Lakes Resort Hotel. Please see attached flyer or go to and scroll down to see all current information available.
Kind regards,
Neil Faulks
--- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 4/10/2018 8:57:05 AM
Subject: Orford Golf Day Report
Orford Golf Club provided fantastic hospitality and good weather for the Master Builders Tas. Golf Club event on Friday 21 September.
This was the second year playing for the Ken Weeding Memorial Shield and the top score of the day was 42 points shot by Orford member Tim Knight. Tim is pictured (left) receiving the shield from Club stalwart and organiser of the day David Walker.
In other scores, Tim Elmer won A grade with 38 points, Ross Nixon won B Grade with 38 points and Tony Dick C Grade with 37 points. The visitors went to Mike Rataj (39) and Ladies to Paulla Read (33). Further results and Fletcher Insulation Consistency points can be found on the web pages of
The large field of 45 players was fitting testament to the memory of Ken and the effort of put in by Orford Golf Club to make this day a significant part of our yearly fixture.
Thanks to Dave Walker and family through Walkers Coaches and Airport Undercover Parking, and to Bennett’s Petroleum, Matt and Jo Pedler and Tony and Joan Wilton for their sponsorship of the day.
The next event for our Club is the Master Builders National Championship in Brisbane in October where we have a team of 24 players attending. Locally our next game will be at Royal Hobart Golf Club on Thursday 8 November.
Roger Stokes
--- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 24/08/2018 10:18:46 PM
Subject: Claremont Golf Day Report
Claremont Golf Club ~ Fri 17th August
Steeline Roofing were the major sponsor of our day at Claremont Golf Club. The support Johnny Erends and his company give our Club is greatly appreciated.
We had a field of 35 with local members featuring heavily in the winners list. Best score of the day was by Chris Erends with 38 points. A Grade was won by Ed Saville on 37. Selwyn Dalton took out B Grade with 36 and now has a stranglehold on the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy. C Grade went to Sam Vickers with 35 points and the Visitors was won by Shane Wood on 36.
Full results and standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy can be viewed from the events page.
Our next outing is at Orford on 21 September.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 24/08/2018 10:18:46 PM
Subject: Claremont Golf Day Report
Claremont Golf Club ~ Fri 17th August
Steeline Roofing were the major sponsor of our day at Claremont Golf Club. The support Johnny Erends and his company give our Club is greatly appreciated.
We had a field of 35 with local members featuring heavily in the winners list. Best score of the day was by Chris Erends with 38 points. A Grade was won by Ed Saville on 37. Selwyn Dalton took out B Grade with 36 and now has a stranglehold on the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy. C Grade went to Sam Vickers with 35 points and the Visitors was won by Shane Wood on 36.
Full results and standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy can be viewed from the events page.
Our next outing is at Orford on 21 September.
Roger Stokes
National MBA Golf Calendar
For those who travel around the country a bit and like playing golf with fellow Master Builders Australia Golf Club (MBAGC) members the link shown on the left may be of some use. Clicking on the link will take you to the National Golf Calendar. The calendar shows all monthly events held in other participating MBAGC states. Hover over the coloured dates of the calendar and discover what state the event is in, the venue and also who to contact if you wish to play. Keep in mind golf costs a little more in other states than here in little old Tassie but you will be assured of a great day of fellowship with like minded people and of course the chance of a bit of networking. The link is permanently available under the Program tab above.
Roger Stokes
For those who travel around the country a bit and like playing golf with fellow Master Builders Australia Golf Club (MBAGC) members the link shown on the left may be of some use. Clicking on the link will take you to the National Golf Calendar. The calendar shows all monthly events held in other participating MBAGC states. Hover over the coloured dates of the calendar and discover what state the event is in, the venue and also who to contact if you wish to play. Keep in mind golf costs a little more in other states than here in little old Tassie but you will be assured of a great day of fellowship with like minded people and of course the chance of a bit of networking. The link is permanently available under the Program tab above.
Roger Stokes
--- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Wed 1/08/2018 8:54 PM
Subject: Thirlstane Golf Day Report
Thirlstane Golf Club 15 June 2018
Thirlstane hosted us for the June game and despite very heavy rain the night before the course was in fantastic condition. Thirlstane have made significant improvements since we played there last June and the new drainage was working beautifully.
The best score of the day was by Greg Sullivan with a great 43 points.
A full list of the day’s results can be found in the link on the fixtures page.
The Member Jackpot went off with Greg Longmore walking away with $200. It pays to be a Member and stick around for the presentations.
Thanks to Tony Dick for his work arranging the day and the trophies. Thanks also to Fairbrother Builders for their sponsorship of the day.
Our next game is at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 17 August..
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Wed 1/08/2018 8:54 PM
Subject: Thirlstane Golf Day Report
Thirlstane Golf Club 15 June 2018
Thirlstane hosted us for the June game and despite very heavy rain the night before the course was in fantastic condition. Thirlstane have made significant improvements since we played there last June and the new drainage was working beautifully.
The best score of the day was by Greg Sullivan with a great 43 points.
A full list of the day’s results can be found in the link on the fixtures page.
The Member Jackpot went off with Greg Longmore walking away with $200. It pays to be a Member and stick around for the presentations.
Thanks to Tony Dick for his work arranging the day and the trophies. Thanks also to Fairbrother Builders for their sponsorship of the day.
Our next game is at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 17 August..
Roger Stokes
--- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 21/05/2018 10:42:33 PM
Subject: Launceston CC Report
The Prospect Vale course at Launceston Country Club was in first class condition and the weather remarkably good after the rain in previous days. We had a field of 30 players with Jason Cochrane returning the best score of the day on 41 points. See the fixtures page for a full list of winners in grades and the Fletcher Insulation Trophy standings for individual scores on the day.
Michael Capsanis from Bluescope Lysaght came to our assistance with generous sponsorship of the day and our sincere thanks go to him for that.
We held our first Member Draw for $100 following the presentations and the lucky (or unlucky) member drawn was Athol Tubb. With Athol not present, the kitty jackpots to $200 to be drawn at our next event which is at Thirlstane Golf Club on 15 June.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 21/05/2018 10:42:33 PM
Subject: Launceston CC Report
The Prospect Vale course at Launceston Country Club was in first class condition and the weather remarkably good after the rain in previous days. We had a field of 30 players with Jason Cochrane returning the best score of the day on 41 points. See the fixtures page for a full list of winners in grades and the Fletcher Insulation Trophy standings for individual scores on the day.
Michael Capsanis from Bluescope Lysaght came to our assistance with generous sponsorship of the day and our sincere thanks go to him for that.
We held our first Member Draw for $100 following the presentations and the lucky (or unlucky) member drawn was Athol Tubb. With Athol not present, the kitty jackpots to $200 to be drawn at our next event which is at Thirlstane Golf Club on 15 June.
Roger Stokes
--- Original Message -----
From: Neil Faulks
To: The News Desk
Sent: 8/05/2018 7:51:31 AM
Subject: Master Builders Golf Day at Ulverstone on the 20th April 2018
A fine and mild day greeted all players at the picturesque Ulverstone Golf Club (UGC). The day was a joint effort between the Master Builders Tasmania (MBT) and the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club (MBTGC) and being the first such event most of our planning went well. There appeared to be only one thing we could improve on which we will endeavour to iron out before our next event. A big thank you goes out to Clyde Sharp from the MBT who pulled together some great sponsors for the day and provided some food and refreshment. Thank you to Dial Before You Dig, Becks Home Timber & Hardware and Cbus for their generous sponsorship and we hope their representatives enjoyed their day on the course with our Members. Also thank you to Mark Johnson, General Manager of the Ulverstone Golf Club, for his assistance in arranging this day.
Now to golf. In brief the winners of the Best Ball Team Competition for the day were Peter Johnson, Terry Commane, Darris Burrill and Paul DeGroot. Winning scores for MBTGC Members were A Grade -Terry Commane, B Grade - Trevor Johnston, C Grade – David Walker. The best overall MBTGC Member score and winning the Eddie French Memorial Trophy was Neil Faulks. Nearest the pins were won by Neil Faulks on the 9th and Dan Smith on the 18th. The full set of results (click here) and the updated Fletcher Insulation Leader Board (click here) can be viewed on our Webpage. For all information relating to previous events and upcoming events please go to We continue to build our Webpage to make it easier for our Members to use so please have a look. It makes our days far easier to organise if all our players register through our Webpage.
Kind regards
Neil Faulks
Captain MBTGC
From: Neil Faulks
To: The News Desk
Sent: 8/05/2018 7:51:31 AM
Subject: Master Builders Golf Day at Ulverstone on the 20th April 2018
A fine and mild day greeted all players at the picturesque Ulverstone Golf Club (UGC). The day was a joint effort between the Master Builders Tasmania (MBT) and the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club (MBTGC) and being the first such event most of our planning went well. There appeared to be only one thing we could improve on which we will endeavour to iron out before our next event. A big thank you goes out to Clyde Sharp from the MBT who pulled together some great sponsors for the day and provided some food and refreshment. Thank you to Dial Before You Dig, Becks Home Timber & Hardware and Cbus for their generous sponsorship and we hope their representatives enjoyed their day on the course with our Members. Also thank you to Mark Johnson, General Manager of the Ulverstone Golf Club, for his assistance in arranging this day.
Now to golf. In brief the winners of the Best Ball Team Competition for the day were Peter Johnson, Terry Commane, Darris Burrill and Paul DeGroot. Winning scores for MBTGC Members were A Grade -Terry Commane, B Grade - Trevor Johnston, C Grade – David Walker. The best overall MBTGC Member score and winning the Eddie French Memorial Trophy was Neil Faulks. Nearest the pins were won by Neil Faulks on the 9th and Dan Smith on the 18th. The full set of results (click here) and the updated Fletcher Insulation Leader Board (click here) can be viewed on our Webpage. For all information relating to previous events and upcoming events please go to We continue to build our Webpage to make it easier for our Members to use so please have a look. It makes our days far easier to organise if all our players register through our Webpage.
Kind regards
Neil Faulks
Captain MBTGC
--- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 30/04/2018 10:27:11 AM
Subject: Tasmania Report
A disappointing turn out for the day at Tasmania with only 18 players.
Thanks to Betta Home Living at Rosny Park for assistance with the vouchers as prizes.
The low numbers meant everyone was well fed with the snacks provided by the Golf Club and by the time we got through balls down the line no-one went home without a prize.
The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: 30/04/2018 10:27:11 AM
Subject: Tasmania Report
A disappointing turn out for the day at Tasmania with only 18 players.
Thanks to Betta Home Living at Rosny Park for assistance with the vouchers as prizes.
The low numbers meant everyone was well fed with the snacks provided by the Golf Club and by the time we got through balls down the line no-one went home without a prize.
The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
Roger Stokes
--- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Wed 14/03/2018 9:40 PM
Subject: Continental Cup Report
North run away with Continental Cup ~ Call it home course advantage or look for any excuse possible but the North were clear winners of this year’s Continental Cup played at Launceston Golf Club. Top scores for the day went to two Northern players in Eric Marshall and Steve Button both on 40 points. North finished on an average score (for the best 75% of their players) of 35.857 followed by North West on 33.25 and South on 31.0
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by John Siejka from Continental Builders as well as Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster and to Bunnings North Launceston.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Wed 14/03/2018 9:40 PM
Subject: Continental Cup Report
North run away with Continental Cup ~ Call it home course advantage or look for any excuse possible but the North were clear winners of this year’s Continental Cup played at Launceston Golf Club. Top scores for the day went to two Northern players in Eric Marshall and Steve Button both on 40 points. North finished on an average score (for the best 75% of their players) of 35.857 followed by North West on 33.25 and South on 31.0
We are again very grateful to the support given to this event by John Siejka from Continental Builders as well as Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster and to Bunnings North Launceston.
Roger Stokes
---- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Tue 23/01/2018 8:49 AM
Subject: Royal Hobart Report
The final round for 2017 was played at Royal Hobart Golf Club on 1 December. The forecast was not good which may be why we only had 27 players. The course was awash and the wind fierce by the time some groups finished or gave it away. Regardless of the weather, we are very grateful to Hanson for their continued support of the Royal Hobart day. The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
This round also meant final points in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy. Congratulations to Sam Vickers who topped the list with a total for the year of 144 followed by Selwyn Dalton on 139 and Steve Button on 128. Thanks to Gary Linton from Fletcher Insulation for this support.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Tue 23/01/2018 8:49 AM
Subject: Royal Hobart Report
The final round for 2017 was played at Royal Hobart Golf Club on 1 December. The forecast was not good which may be why we only had 27 players. The course was awash and the wind fierce by the time some groups finished or gave it away. Regardless of the weather, we are very grateful to Hanson for their continued support of the Royal Hobart day. The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
This round also meant final points in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy. Congratulations to Sam Vickers who topped the list with a total for the year of 144 followed by Selwyn Dalton on 139 and Steve Button on 128. Thanks to Gary Linton from Fletcher Insulation for this support.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
---- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Mon 20/11/2017 8:40 PM
Subject: Devonport Report
MBA Golf Club News
We had 30 players at Devonport Golf Club in very pleasant weather although the wind caught the last few players. Best score of the day by a MBA Golf Club member was Tony Dick with 38 points while John Cook won the visitors prize with 39 points. Others to take out their grades were Martin Brown (A) 37, Kevin Casey (B) 36, and Sam Vickers (C) 37.
Thanks to Mike Webster for organising the day and to Kevin Casey and Don Mapley for doing the registrations. The final round for 2017 is at Royal Hobart on Friday 1 December.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Mon 20/11/2017 8:40 PM
Subject: Devonport Report
MBA Golf Club News
We had 30 players at Devonport Golf Club in very pleasant weather although the wind caught the last few players. Best score of the day by a MBA Golf Club member was Tony Dick with 38 points while John Cook won the visitors prize with 39 points. Others to take out their grades were Martin Brown (A) 37, Kevin Casey (B) 36, and Sam Vickers (C) 37.
Thanks to Mike Webster for organising the day and to Kevin Casey and Don Mapley for doing the registrations. The final round for 2017 is at Royal Hobart on Friday 1 December.
Roger Stokes
---- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Mon 20/11/2017 8:40 PM
Subject: Orford Report
MBA Golf Club News
The Orford day held special significance this year playing for the inaugural Ken Weeding Memorial Shield. Trevor Johnston took the honour of being the first winner with a fine 40 points.
Other winners on the day were John Brett in A Grade (35), Selwyn Dalton B Grade (34), Sam Vickers C Grade (37) and Greg Longmore Visitors (37). For a full wrap up of the results and the standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy see the links on the fixtures page.
We are very grateful to David Walker and Walkers Coaches for their continued support of this day.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Mon 20/11/2017 8:40 PM
Subject: Orford Report
MBA Golf Club News
The Orford day held special significance this year playing for the inaugural Ken Weeding Memorial Shield. Trevor Johnston took the honour of being the first winner with a fine 40 points.
Other winners on the day were John Brett in A Grade (35), Selwyn Dalton B Grade (34), Sam Vickers C Grade (37) and Greg Longmore Visitors (37). For a full wrap up of the results and the standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy see the links on the fixtures page.
We are very grateful to David Walker and Walkers Coaches for their continued support of this day.
Roger Stokes
---- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Sun 25/06/2017 10:52 PM
Subject: Claremont Report
MBA Golf Day
Claremont Golf Club 11th August 2017
29 players were nearly blown off the course at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 11 August. The day was sponsored by Steeline Roofing and once more our thanks go to John Erends for the generous support. Best score of the day was by Steve Button with 35 points. The scores dropped away quite quickly after that. Full results and standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy can be viewed from the events page.
Our next outing is at Orford on 15 September.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Sun 25/06/2017 10:52 PM
Subject: Claremont Report
MBA Golf Day
Claremont Golf Club 11th August 2017
29 players were nearly blown off the course at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 11 August. The day was sponsored by Steeline Roofing and once more our thanks go to John Erends for the generous support. Best score of the day was by Steve Button with 35 points. The scores dropped away quite quickly after that. Full results and standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy can be viewed from the events page.
Our next outing is at Orford on 15 September.
Roger Stokes
---- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Sun 25/06/2017 10:52 PM
Subject: Thirlmere Report
MBA Golf Day
Thirlstane Golf Club 9 June 2017.
Thirlstane hosted us for the June game and we had a great field of 55 players.
The best score of the day was Shayne Burgess on 40 points.
A full list of the day’s results can be found in the link on the fixtures page
Thanks to Tony Dick for his work arranging the day and the trophies. Thanks also to Fairbrother Builders for their sponsorship of the day.
We have a break for the winter with our next game at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 11 August.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Sun 25/06/2017 10:52 PM
Subject: Thirlmere Report
MBA Golf Day
Thirlstane Golf Club 9 June 2017.
Thirlstane hosted us for the June game and we had a great field of 55 players.
The best score of the day was Shayne Burgess on 40 points.
A full list of the day’s results can be found in the link on the fixtures page
Thanks to Tony Dick for his work arranging the day and the trophies. Thanks also to Fairbrother Builders for their sponsorship of the day.
We have a break for the winter with our next game at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 11 August.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Mon 15/05/2017 10:52 PM
Subject: Ulverstone Report
MBA Golf Day
Ulverstone Golf Club 12 May 2017
Who said MBA golfers don’t play in the rain?
Ulverstone turned on some pretty heavy showers for the field of 40 dedicated players. Fortunately, they didn’t last long, (the showers not players) and the course was in magnificent condition.
Local member John Brett returned the best score of the day with 35 points.
Col Heron became the inaugural winner of the Eddie French Memorial Shield for the best score by a MBA Builder Member (or retired member) with 31 points. Col is pictured with the shield.
Full results and Fletcher Insulation Consistency points can be found on the link on the 2017 program page.
Our next event is at Thirlstane on Friday 9 June.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Thursday 20/04/2017 9:26 PM
Subject: Riverside Report
A field of 30 for the third round of the year was a little disappointing but some good golf was reflected in the scores. Congratulations to Eddie Turner for the best score of the day with 40 points.
We are very appreciative of the support given to the Club by Launceston Mazda who provided trophies for the day and are on board for the next event at Ulverstone and Devonport later in the year.
Our next outing is at Ulverstone on Friday 12 May which is the 50th year we have held this Annual Golf Day at this Club. We look forward to a great day and trust as many members as possible will attend.
Remember that guests are welcome so if you want to bring a group along we would be happy to see you there.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Thursday 20/04/2017 9:26 PM
Subject: Tasmania Report
Numbers were down for the day at Tasmania with only 24 starters. Unfortunately the date clashed with the Pro-am at Ulverstone and others away on golfing tours. Despite perfect conditions no one returned a score better than handicap. The best score of the day went to Selwyn Dalton with 33 on a countback from Scott Richards.
The Visitors were rewarded for even lower scores with winner and runner up shooting 26 points.
The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Thursday 20/04/2017 9:26 PM
Subject: Launceston Report
The Cup goes North West
Rodney Edwards returned the best score of the day with a fine 41 points and led the way for the North West to carry off the Continental Cup with an average score of 31.9 from North on 31.5 and South on 30.6. South had the most players but unfortunately their scores gravitated to the lower end.
Once again we are very grateful to the support given to this event by John Siejka from Continental Builders as well as Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster and to Bunnings North Launceston.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Thursday 20/04/2017 9:26 PM
Subject: Launceston Report
The Cup goes North West
Rodney Edwards returned the best score of the day with a fine 41 points and led the way for the North West to carry off the Continental Cup with an average score of 31.9 from North on 31.5 and South on 30.6. South had the most players but unfortunately their scores gravitated to the lower end.
Once again we are very grateful to the support given to this event by John Siejka from Continental Builders as well as Selwyn Dalton of Newstead Plaster and to Bunnings North Launceston.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 10:12 AM
Subject: 2016 Wrap Up
It was perfect conditions for the final game of 2016 at Royal Hobart and, once again, Hanson made a significant contribution to the success of the day through their generous sponsorship. The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
As predicted, Selwyn Dalton continued his run-away form in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy winning with a year total of 73 points. Tony Wilton came in second with 58.5 from Dennis French on 56.5. Thanks to Gary Linton from Fletcher Insulation for this support.
Our thanks too go out to John Siejka of Continental Builders for his support of the Continental Cup won by the Southern region this year. We also played another two days under Hornibrook scoring with North West winning convincingly at Devonport and just ahead at Royal Hobart. They secured Regional bragging rights over the 3 rounds. North need to work on increasing participant numbers!
Best wishes to all for the festive season and I look forward to catching up at our first game for 2017. Our roster is still in draft for next year but it looks like round 1 will be at Launceston in mid February.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 10:12 AM
Subject: 2016 Wrap Up
It was perfect conditions for the final game of 2016 at Royal Hobart and, once again, Hanson made a significant contribution to the success of the day through their generous sponsorship. The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
As predicted, Selwyn Dalton continued his run-away form in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy winning with a year total of 73 points. Tony Wilton came in second with 58.5 from Dennis French on 56.5. Thanks to Gary Linton from Fletcher Insulation for this support.
Our thanks too go out to John Siejka of Continental Builders for his support of the Continental Cup won by the Southern region this year. We also played another two days under Hornibrook scoring with North West winning convincingly at Devonport and just ahead at Royal Hobart. They secured Regional bragging rights over the 3 rounds. North need to work on increasing participant numbers!
Best wishes to all for the festive season and I look forward to catching up at our first game for 2017. Our roster is still in draft for next year but it looks like round 1 will be at Launceston in mid February.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 10:22 AM
Subject: Devonport Report
Devonport Golf Club was in magnificent condition and this reflected in the scores of a few of the 31 players.
John Brett won A Grade with 38 points from Ian Mansfield 37, Kevin Casey took out B Grade with 34 from Terry Commane on 31.
Eddie Turner won C Grade with the best score of the day being 42 points and Tony Dick was a distant second on 34 while the Visitor prize was won by Maureen Walton on 40 from Paul DeGroot on 36.
Mike Webster sacrificed his game of golf to look after the field and collate the scores which ensured the day ran very smoothly and results were done quickly. Thanks Mike. Also thanks to Craig Clark from Clark Windows for his contribution to the trophies.
The final round for 2016 is at Royal Hobart on Friday 2 December
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 11:25 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Hornibrook Report
MBA Golf Club News ~ 2016 Hornibrook Report!
MBA Tasmania Golf Club was represented by 18 players at the National Championship in the Hunter Valley. Unfortunately one did not get out of the starting gates, still recovering from a broken wrist and one only managed the first round before being unable to continue.
The remaining 16 battled on bravely but we could only manage a close 5th on an average of 28.7692 points. John Erends was the best of our team winning the Eddie French Medal with a 99 point total.
Sadly, Frank Pedler passed away upon returning from the tournament. He had just completed his 15th Hornibrook and will be missed greatly by both our local membership and fellow players nationally.
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 11:25 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Hornibrook Report
MBA Golf Club News ~ 2016 Hornibrook Report!
MBA Tasmania Golf Club was represented by 18 players at the National Championship in the Hunter Valley. Unfortunately one did not get out of the starting gates, still recovering from a broken wrist and one only managed the first round before being unable to continue.
The remaining 16 battled on bravely but we could only manage a close 5th on an average of 28.7692 points. John Erends was the best of our team winning the Eddie French Medal with a 99 point total.
Sadly, Frank Pedler passed away upon returning from the tournament. He had just completed his 15th Hornibrook and will be missed greatly by both our local membership and fellow players nationally.
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: Roger Stokes
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 11:25 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Oatlands Report
31 players turned up at Oatlands Golf Club on 23 September and dodged around the water lying on the course. Considering the rain we have had the course was in great condition. Thanks to the Club for the effort in preparing the course for us and for looking after the BBQ.
Roger Stokes won A Grade with 38 points from Chris Woodberry on 36. B Grade went to Selwyn Dalton with 39 extending his lead in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy. Second was Karl Braun on 35 while Leon Cahir took out C Grade with 28 points and Mike Webster second on 26 points.
The Visitors was won by Roger Eadie with 36 points from George Gryta with 32.
Ian Mansfield and Peter Johnston each won a nearest the pin.
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 11:25 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Oatlands Report
31 players turned up at Oatlands Golf Club on 23 September and dodged around the water lying on the course. Considering the rain we have had the course was in great condition. Thanks to the Club for the effort in preparing the course for us and for looking after the BBQ.
Roger Stokes won A Grade with 38 points from Chris Woodberry on 36. B Grade went to Selwyn Dalton with 39 extending his lead in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy. Second was Karl Braun on 35 while Leon Cahir took out C Grade with 28 points and Mike Webster second on 26 points.
The Visitors was won by Roger Eadie with 36 points from George Gryta with 32.
Ian Mansfield and Peter Johnston each won a nearest the pin.
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: Roger Stokes
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2016 11:13 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Launceston Report
MBA Golf Club News ~ South win Continental Cup!
The Continental Cup returned to the MBA Tas Calendar with the game at Launceston Golf Club on 19 August. The team from South finished with an average score of 30.1 from North West on 29.3 and North on 29.0
Special thanks to John Siejka from Continental Builders for his continued support of this event and to Launceston Golf Club for hosting us when the course was recovering from such wet conditions over the previous weeks.
The best scores of the day were 36 points shared by Mike Capsanis (North) Gary Linton (South) and John Brett(North West). See the link on the Program 2016 page for the results and points in the Fletcher Insulation Trophy
We move on to Oatlands for our next game on 23 September. Lets hope for some better weather!
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2016 11:13 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Launceston Report
MBA Golf Club News ~ South win Continental Cup!
The Continental Cup returned to the MBA Tas Calendar with the game at Launceston Golf Club on 19 August. The team from South finished with an average score of 30.1 from North West on 29.3 and North on 29.0
Special thanks to John Siejka from Continental Builders for his continued support of this event and to Launceston Golf Club for hosting us when the course was recovering from such wet conditions over the previous weeks.
The best scores of the day were 36 points shared by Mike Capsanis (North) Gary Linton (South) and John Brett(North West). See the link on the Program 2016 page for the results and points in the Fletcher Insulation Trophy
We move on to Oatlands for our next game on 23 September. Lets hope for some better weather!
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: Roger Stokes
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 5:10 PM To: MBA States & Regions Subject: VALE: Ken Weeding To all Club Secretaries, Sadly I am writing to pass on the news that Ken Weeding passed away today. Ken had a short illness and despite surgery a couple of months back he left us this morning. He was a Life Member of MBA Tas Golf Club and served many terms on Committee and as President. He would be very well remembered by our Membership across the country as he attended 24 Hornibrooks and was never the quiet one in the corner. I would appreciate you passing this sad news on to your Members. Kind regards Roger Stokes Secretary/Treasurer Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club |
From: Roger Stokes
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 9:04 PM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Ulverstone & Tasmania Report
The onset of winter conditions across the State has seen a drop in numbers at our last two events. Those brave enough to venture out have been rewarded with quite reasonable weather considering.
Ulverstone on 19 May had a field of 27 and Tasmania on 25 June a disappointing 21.
The Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy standings have moved somewhat with Selwyn Dalton taking the lead from Darren Pybus and Dennis French. Check out the 2016 program page for full results.
Thirlstane is next on our calendar on Friday 15 July.
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: Roger Stokes
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 9:23 PM To: The News Desk Subject: VALE: Bobby Barry To all Club Members, It is with deep sadness I report to you the passing of Bob (Bagsy) Barry on Friday. Bobby was a true gentleman and a well respected Member of MBA Tas Golf Club who unfortunately has had a battle with illness over the last 2 years. He attended ten Hornibrooks and was registered to attend number eleven on the Gold Coast in 2014 when his health failed. The attached photo of the "twins" Bobby and Peter DiPrinzio is from the 2008 Newcastle gallery. In case you can't tell them apart, Bobby is on the right of picture. I would appreciate your help in passing on this sad news to the many friends Bob has made throughout the Master Builders fraternity. Kind Regards Roger Stokes Secretary/Treasurer Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club |
From: roger stokes
Sent: Thursday, 21 April 2016 9:28 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Claremont Report
Another good field and great conditions for our event at Claremont Golf Club. The day was sponsored by Steeline Roofing and once more our thanks go to John Erends for the generous support. Best score of the day was by Selwyn Dalton with 40 points. Full results and standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy can be viewed from the events page.
Our next outing is the ever popular Ulverstone day.
Sent: Thursday, 21 April 2016 9:28 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Claremont Report
Another good field and great conditions for our event at Claremont Golf Club. The day was sponsored by Steeline Roofing and once more our thanks go to John Erends for the generous support. Best score of the day was by Selwyn Dalton with 40 points. Full results and standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy can be viewed from the events page.
Our next outing is the ever popular Ulverstone day.
From: roger stokes
Sent: Thursday, 17 March 2016 8:29 AM
To: The News Desk
Subject: Greens Beach Report
Jason, Tim and Dennis from SPT Security once again hosted the day at Greens Beach and with great weather and 46 players it was definitely a good event. Best member score of the day and winner of the President's Cup was Tony Rowell with 40 points. Tony beat Mike Rataj on a countback. A Grade was won by Tony Rowell (40) from Rodney Edwards on 37 points. B Grade was Mike Rataj on 40 from Selwyn Dalton on 35. C Grade went to Dennis French 37 with Tom Bishop second on 33. The Visitors was won by Wayne Petch on 40 and Malcolm Jarvis was second with 34 points.
Col Heron definitely had his radar working winning the nearest to the pins on the 3rd and 6th holes as well as closest after 2 on the 5th. Thank you to Jason, Tim and Dennis from SPT Security for their continued support of the MBA Tas Golf Club and to Greens Beach Golf Club for making us welcome and presenting the course in such good condition.
Our next event is Claremont Golf Club on 15 April.
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
-----Original Message-----
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Date: Wednesday, 2 March 2016 10:24 AM
Subject: Orford Report
Our 2016 season kicked off very well with 48 players at Orford Golf Club. Recent dry conditions followed by flash flooding tested the course's ability to recover but apart from a few patches where preferred lies were used the course was very good.
Once again we were generously supported by Walkers Coaches with Dave Walker providing crayfish for the grade winner's prizes and supplying the meat for the BBQ.
A big thank you to Walkers Coaches who also run the Airport Undercover Parking in Hobart. (Members take note when travelling).
41 points was the popular score for winners in all grades with John Erends winning A Grade, Gil Bantoft B Grade and Dave Walker C Grade. The Visitors was won by David Nunn on 37 points.
For a full wrap up of the results and the standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy see the links on the fixtures page.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
-----Original Message-----
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 9:38 AM
Subject: End of year wrapup
The final two rounds of the year were held at Launceston Golf Club on 13 November and Royal Hobart Golf Club on 4 December. Both rounds were played in perfect weather and both courses in magnificent condition.
We are very grateful to Hanson for their continued support of the Royal Hobart day.
The full lists of results can be found on the link on the fixtures page.
With the last round came the final points in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy. Trevor Johnston came from the clouds to overtake myself and Mike Rataj and win with a total for the year of 68 points. I believe this has been a very worthwhile event and has prompted a few to make sure they do not miss games. Thanks to Gary Linton from Fletcher Insulation for this support.
Best wishes to all for the festive season and I look forward to catching up at our first game for 2016 at Orford on 19 February.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
-----Original Message-----
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Sunday, 27 September 2015 6:37 PM
Subject: Tasmania Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Tasmania Golf Club 25 September 2015
Bunnings came on board as sponsor of the trophies for our event at Tasmania Golf Club. I thank Darren Grainger for his contribution and participation of the Bunnings team in the day.
Best MBAGC member score was yours truly with 39 points. Andrew McConnon from Bunnings had the best score of the day with 40 and won the visitors trophy.
All results from the day and standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy can be found on the links attached to the fixtures page.
The Tasmania course was very well presented and the greens have come back very well from recent renovations. Thank you to the staff for looking after us so well.
Our next event is not until 13 November as the National Championships are on in Melbourne in October. 17 members are heading off to represent Tasmania and we are looking to improve on our 4th place in last year's tournament.
Roger Stokes
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Sunday, 27 September 2015 6:37 PM
Subject: Tasmania Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Tasmania Golf Club 25 September 2015
Bunnings came on board as sponsor of the trophies for our event at Tasmania Golf Club. I thank Darren Grainger for his contribution and participation of the Bunnings team in the day.
Best MBAGC member score was yours truly with 39 points. Andrew McConnon from Bunnings had the best score of the day with 40 and won the visitors trophy.
All results from the day and standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy can be found on the links attached to the fixtures page.
The Tasmania course was very well presented and the greens have come back very well from recent renovations. Thank you to the staff for looking after us so well.
Our next event is not until 13 November as the National Championships are on in Melbourne in October. 17 members are heading off to represent Tasmania and we are looking to improve on our 4th place in last year's tournament.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 1:06 PM
Subject: Devonport Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Devonport Golf Club 14 August 2015
We had a good field of 49 players at Devonport Golf Club for the day sponsored by Clark Windows. I would like to thank Craig Clark for his donation of prizes for the day and the presentation packs he gave to players as they registered.
The best overall score was John Brett with 39 points. See the results link on the fixtures page for the full list of winners and the latest standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy
Thanks to Tom Cowland at Devonport for making our group so welcome and to Club Professional Darren Spencer for the voucher donated towards prizes.
Our next game is at Tasmania Golf Club on Friday 24 September 2015.
Roger Stokes
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 1:06 PM
Subject: Devonport Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Devonport Golf Club 14 August 2015
We had a good field of 49 players at Devonport Golf Club for the day sponsored by Clark Windows. I would like to thank Craig Clark for his donation of prizes for the day and the presentation packs he gave to players as they registered.
The best overall score was John Brett with 39 points. See the results link on the fixtures page for the full list of winners and the latest standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy
Thanks to Tom Cowland at Devonport for making our group so welcome and to Club Professional Darren Spencer for the voucher donated towards prizes.
Our next game is at Tasmania Golf Club on Friday 24 September 2015.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 6:46 PM
Subject: Orford Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Orford Golf Club 17 July 2015
Another typical Orford welcome and great hospitality for the 42 players in the field.
The weather was cold but some of the scoring was hot.Tim Elmer won A grade with 41 points and let his travelling partners know about it all the way home ! The top score of the day was 45 points shot by Orford member Matt Pedler who won the B Grade with another local Graeme Bellette winning C grade with 38 points. The visitors was won by Andrew Lewtas on 41 points while Judy Webster was in a class of her own in the ladies.
It was another very successful day thanks to the kind generosity of sponsor Walkers Coaches who not only arranged the trophies but also provided the melt in the mouth steaks for the BBQ at the finish of play.
For a full wrap up of the results and the standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy see the links on the fixtures page.
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 6:46 PM
Subject: Orford Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Orford Golf Club 17 July 2015
Another typical Orford welcome and great hospitality for the 42 players in the field.
The weather was cold but some of the scoring was hot.Tim Elmer won A grade with 41 points and let his travelling partners know about it all the way home ! The top score of the day was 45 points shot by Orford member Matt Pedler who won the B Grade with another local Graeme Bellette winning C grade with 38 points. The visitors was won by Andrew Lewtas on 41 points while Judy Webster was in a class of her own in the ladies.
It was another very successful day thanks to the kind generosity of sponsor Walkers Coaches who not only arranged the trophies but also provided the melt in the mouth steaks for the BBQ at the finish of play.
For a full wrap up of the results and the standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy see the links on the fixtures page.
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 9:09 PM
Subject: Thirlstane Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Thirlstane Golf Club 19 June 2015
This event was an addition to our calendar at the request of Thirlstane Members. I for one was very pleased we put the extra game in. The course was in great condition and there were a number of players, like me, who had not played there before.
The best overall score was shared by Kevin Jones and Roger Stokes on 40 points.
A full list of the day’s results can be accessed here.
Thanks to Tony Dick for his work arranging the day and the trophies. Thanks also to the sponsors K&D Devonport, Sup-ply Joinery, Becks Port Sorell and Thirlstane Golf Club.
Orford is our next game on 17 July 2015. This is always a popular day and I hope many members make it along.
Roger Stokes
From: roger stokes
To: The News Desk
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 9:09 PM
Subject: Thirlstane Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Thirlstane Golf Club 19 June 2015
This event was an addition to our calendar at the request of Thirlstane Members. I for one was very pleased we put the extra game in. The course was in great condition and there were a number of players, like me, who had not played there before.
The best overall score was shared by Kevin Jones and Roger Stokes on 40 points.
A full list of the day’s results can be accessed here.
Thanks to Tony Dick for his work arranging the day and the trophies. Thanks also to the sponsors K&D Devonport, Sup-ply Joinery, Becks Port Sorell and Thirlstane Golf Club.
Orford is our next game on 17 July 2015. This is always a popular day and I hope many members make it along.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:05 PM
Subject: Ulverstone Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Ulverstone Golf Club 21 May 2015
Another successful Ulverstone tournament with 60 players enjoying beautiful conditions. Again, visitors made up a significant proportion of the field in this event. I thank them for their support and welcome them to join as Members.
The best overall score was by Andrew Smith with a fine 40 points. Winner of the MBA Golf Club Member trophy was John Brett with 36 points on a countback from Tony Wilton who took out A Grade.
Thanks to IGA Spreyton, Wells Latrobe, Fairbrother P/L, Harvey Norman, T&G Glass, Polished Concrete Creations, Graham Elliott & Associates, Laminex Industries Chris Woodberry, Scissor Trix, Crusty's Bakery and Restaurant XIX at the Golf Club for their support of the 48th Ulverstone tournament. Many of these businesses have supported this event over a long period and this is sincerely appreciated. Members should consider these businesses when in need of the services they can provide.
A full list of the day’s results and our sponsors can be accessed here.
Thanks also to Tony Mills and his staff at Ulverstone Golf Club who made us most welcome and turned the course out in splendid condition.
Our next event is at Thirlstane on 19 June 2015.
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:05 PM
Subject: Ulverstone Report
MBA Golf Day ~ Ulverstone Golf Club 21 May 2015
Another successful Ulverstone tournament with 60 players enjoying beautiful conditions. Again, visitors made up a significant proportion of the field in this event. I thank them for their support and welcome them to join as Members.
The best overall score was by Andrew Smith with a fine 40 points. Winner of the MBA Golf Club Member trophy was John Brett with 36 points on a countback from Tony Wilton who took out A Grade.
Thanks to IGA Spreyton, Wells Latrobe, Fairbrother P/L, Harvey Norman, T&G Glass, Polished Concrete Creations, Graham Elliott & Associates, Laminex Industries Chris Woodberry, Scissor Trix, Crusty's Bakery and Restaurant XIX at the Golf Club for their support of the 48th Ulverstone tournament. Many of these businesses have supported this event over a long period and this is sincerely appreciated. Members should consider these businesses when in need of the services they can provide.
A full list of the day’s results and our sponsors can be accessed here.
Thanks also to Tony Mills and his staff at Ulverstone Golf Club who made us most welcome and turned the course out in splendid condition.
Our next event is at Thirlstane on 19 June 2015.
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 11:37 AM
Subject: Oatlands Report
A disappointing field of 23 players turned up at Oatlands Golf Club on 17 April for the third round for the year.
Thanks to the Club for the effort in preparing the course for us and to Statewide Lockups for supplying the BBQ.
Gary Linton won A Grade with 36 points from Chris Woodberry on 35. Each also won a NTP with Gary on the 3rd and Chris on 6.
B Grade went to Peter Johnson with 34 and Gary Taylor second on 27 while Ken Weeding took out C Grade with 32 points and Tom Bishop second on 30 points.
The Visitors' was won by Derek Patmore with 36 points.
Standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy have been updated and can be found on the bottom of the 2015 program page.
Welcome to new members Gary Taylor, Sam Vickers and Robert Button.
Our next event is the 48th Ulverstone tournament on Thursday 21 May. This is a very popular day and I look forward to seeing as many as possible come along.
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 11:37 AM
Subject: Oatlands Report
A disappointing field of 23 players turned up at Oatlands Golf Club on 17 April for the third round for the year.
Thanks to the Club for the effort in preparing the course for us and to Statewide Lockups for supplying the BBQ.
Gary Linton won A Grade with 36 points from Chris Woodberry on 35. Each also won a NTP with Gary on the 3rd and Chris on 6.
B Grade went to Peter Johnson with 34 and Gary Taylor second on 27 while Ken Weeding took out C Grade with 32 points and Tom Bishop second on 30 points.
The Visitors' was won by Derek Patmore with 36 points.
Standings in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy have been updated and can be found on the bottom of the 2015 program page.
Welcome to new members Gary Taylor, Sam Vickers and Robert Button.
Our next event is the 48th Ulverstone tournament on Thursday 21 May. This is a very popular day and I look forward to seeing as many as possible come along.
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2015 6:50 PM
Subject: Greens Beach Report
Greens Beach Golf Club hosted 40 players for the second game in our 2015 roster which was sponsored by SPT Security. What started as showers cleared away to a fine day and enjoyable conditions. Trevor Johnston from Ulverstone Golf Club returned the best score of the day with a fine 42 points.
A Grade was won by Jason Cochrane with 39 points from Tony Wilton 38. B Grade was Mike Rataj on 41 from Dennis Montiero on 40. C Grade went to David Walker 31 on a countback from Mike Webster. The Visitors was won by D Johnstone 39 from R Lee 35.
Nearest to the pins were won by Paul Almond, Tom Bishop and D Johnstone. It was interesting to see that the leaders in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy came back to the field somewhat (or did the field catch up?) and results can be found on the bottom of the 2015 program page.
Thank you to Jason and Dennis from SPT Security for their continued support of the MBA Tas Golf Club and good to see they finished amongst the winners. Also thanks to Greens Beach Golf Club for making us welcome and presenting the course in such good condition.
Finally thanks to the 17 players from Thirlstane Golf Club who turned up on mass to boost our numbers. I hope you enjoyed your day and look forward to your support qat our next event at Oatlands Golf Club on 17 April.
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2015 6:50 PM
Subject: Greens Beach Report
Greens Beach Golf Club hosted 40 players for the second game in our 2015 roster which was sponsored by SPT Security. What started as showers cleared away to a fine day and enjoyable conditions. Trevor Johnston from Ulverstone Golf Club returned the best score of the day with a fine 42 points.
A Grade was won by Jason Cochrane with 39 points from Tony Wilton 38. B Grade was Mike Rataj on 41 from Dennis Montiero on 40. C Grade went to David Walker 31 on a countback from Mike Webster. The Visitors was won by D Johnstone 39 from R Lee 35.
Nearest to the pins were won by Paul Almond, Tom Bishop and D Johnstone. It was interesting to see that the leaders in the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy came back to the field somewhat (or did the field catch up?) and results can be found on the bottom of the 2015 program page.
Thank you to Jason and Dennis from SPT Security for their continued support of the MBA Tas Golf Club and good to see they finished amongst the winners. Also thanks to Greens Beach Golf Club for making us welcome and presenting the course in such good condition.
Finally thanks to the 17 players from Thirlstane Golf Club who turned up on mass to boost our numbers. I hope you enjoyed your day and look forward to your support qat our next event at Oatlands Golf Club on 17 April.
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 5:57 PM
Subject: Tas web updates
2015 teed off on Friday 20 February with 30 players at Claremont Golf Club in ideal conditions. The day was sponsored by Steeline Roofing in conjunction with Bluescope Steel and Colorbond. Our thanks go to John Erends and Marcus Brown for the generous support their companies put into the day.
The winner of A grade was Neil Faulks on 36 points and runner up was Roger Stokes on a countback from Chris Erends on 35. Selwyn Dalton took out B grade on 38 points from Tony McCulloch on 35. In C grade Gilbert Bantoft triumphed with 36 from Ken Weeding on 34. The Visitors went to Eric Marshall with 35 from Shane Burgess on 34. The nearest the pins were John Erends on the 2nd, Tony Dick on the 4th, and Gary Linton on the 6th.
This was the first round of the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy run for members. Points are awarded in each grade according to score. Thats right, you can get a point just for turning up! Scores will be posted on the website shortly.
The 4BBB competition run in conjunction was taken out by Selwyn Dalton and Tony McCulloch with 47 points from Neil Faulks and Chris Erends on 44.
Our next outing is at Greens Beach Golf Club on Friday 27 March and is sponsored by SPT Security. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days is most welcome.
You can get more information on the MBA Social Golf Club from Roger Stokes on 0407 657178 or have a look at the website at .
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 5:57 PM
Subject: Tas web updates
2015 teed off on Friday 20 February with 30 players at Claremont Golf Club in ideal conditions. The day was sponsored by Steeline Roofing in conjunction with Bluescope Steel and Colorbond. Our thanks go to John Erends and Marcus Brown for the generous support their companies put into the day.
The winner of A grade was Neil Faulks on 36 points and runner up was Roger Stokes on a countback from Chris Erends on 35. Selwyn Dalton took out B grade on 38 points from Tony McCulloch on 35. In C grade Gilbert Bantoft triumphed with 36 from Ken Weeding on 34. The Visitors went to Eric Marshall with 35 from Shane Burgess on 34. The nearest the pins were John Erends on the 2nd, Tony Dick on the 4th, and Gary Linton on the 6th.
This was the first round of the Fletcher Insulation Consistency Trophy run for members. Points are awarded in each grade according to score. Thats right, you can get a point just for turning up! Scores will be posted on the website shortly.
The 4BBB competition run in conjunction was taken out by Selwyn Dalton and Tony McCulloch with 47 points from Neil Faulks and Chris Erends on 44.
Our next outing is at Greens Beach Golf Club on Friday 27 March and is sponsored by SPT Security. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days is most welcome.
You can get more information on the MBA Social Golf Club from Roger Stokes on 0407 657178 or have a look at the website at .
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 1:47 PM
Subject: Program 2015
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 1:47 PM
Subject: Program 2015
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 9:10 PM
Subject: MBA Golf Day; Tasmania Golf Club 5 December 2014
The final MBA Tas Golf Day for 2014 looked like it was going to be a wet affair with drizzle greeting players as they arrived at Tasmania Golf Club. We had a field of 47 players including 17 visitors. Luckily umbrellas and wet weather gear were only required briefly and the weather turned out quite pleasant.
We have been very fortunate to again have Clennett’s Mitre 10 as a major sponsor of the day providing most of the trophies and the post game meal. Harvey Norman Hobart also chipped in with two great prizes. All players should greatly appreciate the contribution these companies have made in making the day a success. Please consider them when you are looking for products they can offer.
Best score of the day went to Selwyn Dalton with 40 points. The full list of results can be found here.
We are finalising our fixtures list for 2015 and this will be posted on the web site shortly however we can confirm the first game will be at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 20 February 2015.
On behalf of our President Ian Mansfield and the rest of the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club Committee I wish you a happy and safe Christmas and look forward to seeing you at our events next year.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 9:10 PM
Subject: MBA Golf Day; Tasmania Golf Club 5 December 2014
The final MBA Tas Golf Day for 2014 looked like it was going to be a wet affair with drizzle greeting players as they arrived at Tasmania Golf Club. We had a field of 47 players including 17 visitors. Luckily umbrellas and wet weather gear were only required briefly and the weather turned out quite pleasant.
We have been very fortunate to again have Clennett’s Mitre 10 as a major sponsor of the day providing most of the trophies and the post game meal. Harvey Norman Hobart also chipped in with two great prizes. All players should greatly appreciate the contribution these companies have made in making the day a success. Please consider them when you are looking for products they can offer.
Best score of the day went to Selwyn Dalton with 40 points. The full list of results can be found here.
We are finalising our fixtures list for 2015 and this will be posted on the web site shortly however we can confirm the first game will be at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 20 February 2015.
On behalf of our President Ian Mansfield and the rest of the Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club Committee I wish you a happy and safe Christmas and look forward to seeing you at our events next year.
Good Golfing.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:38 AM
Subject: MBA Golf Day, Oatlands Golf Club 7 November 2014
Oatlands Golf Club rolled out the welcome mat for our day on Friday 7 November and even had Danny Davis out mowing greens before we arrived.
Our numbers were down on last year and while it was disappointing to have just 28 players, those who did make the trip had a good day with sunny conditions and a breeze (wind) keeping the temperature down to something comfortable.
The BBQ on the day was hosted by SPT Security and our thanks also go to Roger and Danny from Oatlands Golf Club for being our BBQ chefs as well as Jamie for manning the bar.
Terry Commane shot the score of the day with a fine 41 points. Congratulations Terry. From there scores dropped away considerably with visitors outscoring members as can be seen from the results found here.
Our final golf day for 2014 is at Tasmania Golf Club on Friday 5 December 2014. This will be a day well worth attending with Clennetts Mitre 10 putting up in excess of $1000 in prizes. Remember guests are most welcome so invite some mates to come along.
Roger Stokes
From: roger stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:38 AM
Subject: MBA Golf Day, Oatlands Golf Club 7 November 2014
Oatlands Golf Club rolled out the welcome mat for our day on Friday 7 November and even had Danny Davis out mowing greens before we arrived.
Our numbers were down on last year and while it was disappointing to have just 28 players, those who did make the trip had a good day with sunny conditions and a breeze (wind) keeping the temperature down to something comfortable.
The BBQ on the day was hosted by SPT Security and our thanks also go to Roger and Danny from Oatlands Golf Club for being our BBQ chefs as well as Jamie for manning the bar.
Terry Commane shot the score of the day with a fine 41 points. Congratulations Terry. From there scores dropped away considerably with visitors outscoring members as can be seen from the results found here.
Our final golf day for 2014 is at Tasmania Golf Club on Friday 5 December 2014. This will be a day well worth attending with Clennetts Mitre 10 putting up in excess of $1000 in prizes. Remember guests are most welcome so invite some mates to come along.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:42 AM
Subject: MBA Golf Day, Royal Hobart Golf Club 19 September 2014
Another successful MBA Golf Day at Royal Hobart with 41 players including 16 visitors and 4 new members signing up. Hanson sponsored the day for us and we are very appreciative of their support. Please remember them next time you are after concrete products and services.
The course was in fantastic condition and the home ground advantage was evident with Terry Commane winning A Grade with 39 points and Ian Mansfield winning B Grade with a best score of the day 41 points. The full list of results can be found here.
We now have a break of about 6 weeks to our next event at Oatlands Golf Club on 7 November. I hope you can make it.
A team of 20 are about to head off to the Gold Coast for the National Master Builders Championships from 5 to 9 October. Next October it will be held in Newcastle. Give some thought to joining in. The event is open to all members of the MBA Social Golf Clubs.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:42 AM
Subject: MBA Golf Day, Royal Hobart Golf Club 19 September 2014
Another successful MBA Golf Day at Royal Hobart with 41 players including 16 visitors and 4 new members signing up. Hanson sponsored the day for us and we are very appreciative of their support. Please remember them next time you are after concrete products and services.
The course was in fantastic condition and the home ground advantage was evident with Terry Commane winning A Grade with 39 points and Ian Mansfield winning B Grade with a best score of the day 41 points. The full list of results can be found here.
We now have a break of about 6 weeks to our next event at Oatlands Golf Club on 7 November. I hope you can make it.
A team of 20 are about to head off to the Gold Coast for the National Master Builders Championships from 5 to 9 October. Next October it will be held in Newcastle. Give some thought to joining in. The event is open to all members of the MBA Social Golf Clubs.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 10:10 AM
Subject: Greens Beach Golf Club 15 August 2014
“A day in Memory of Tom”
Greens Beach turned on great weather for our event which was the first MBA golf day since the passing of Tom Vimpany and so it was played in his honour. We had 33 members and guests make the trip.
The day was hosted by SPT Security and our thanks go to Tim Vimpany and Jason Cochrane from SPT for sponsoring a second day for the year.
It was clear that there had been some pretty wet weather in the lead up to our day as the top of the course was quite wet with a ‘tee up’ rule on the 4th and preferred lies on other parts of the course. Despite this, Greens Beach was in good condition and the greens were excellent.
The scores perhaps reflected the lack of run or maybe we just didn’t bring our A game with us. Except for Trevor Johnston that is who was the only player to shoot better than his handicap. Congratulations Trevor. The full list of results can be found here.
Our thanks go to Greens Beach Golf Club for making us so welcome, to SPT Security for the donation of trophies and the food and to our BBQ chef John? (sorry, fading memory).
We look forward to greeting as many as possible at our next golf day at Royal Hobart Golf Club on 19 September. Remember guests are most welcome so invite some mates to come along.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 10:10 AM
Subject: Greens Beach Golf Club 15 August 2014
“A day in Memory of Tom”
Greens Beach turned on great weather for our event which was the first MBA golf day since the passing of Tom Vimpany and so it was played in his honour. We had 33 members and guests make the trip.
The day was hosted by SPT Security and our thanks go to Tim Vimpany and Jason Cochrane from SPT for sponsoring a second day for the year.
It was clear that there had been some pretty wet weather in the lead up to our day as the top of the course was quite wet with a ‘tee up’ rule on the 4th and preferred lies on other parts of the course. Despite this, Greens Beach was in good condition and the greens were excellent.
The scores perhaps reflected the lack of run or maybe we just didn’t bring our A game with us. Except for Trevor Johnston that is who was the only player to shoot better than his handicap. Congratulations Trevor. The full list of results can be found here.
Our thanks go to Greens Beach Golf Club for making us so welcome, to SPT Security for the donation of trophies and the food and to our BBQ chef John? (sorry, fading memory).
We look forward to greeting as many as possible at our next golf day at Royal Hobart Golf Club on 19 September. Remember guests are most welcome so invite some mates to come along.
Roger Stokes
----- Original Message -----
From: Neil Faulks
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 2:52 PM
I regret to inform members of the sad passing of Life Member, Mr Thomas J Vimpany (Tom).
In recognition the Port Sorell Golf Day scheduled for 4th July, 2014 will be cancelled.
The MBT Golf Club expresses its sincerest sympathy to Tom’s wife Bev and family members.
Tom was a much respected Life Member and hard working member of the MBT Golf Club Committee.
The following notice appears in today's Mercury....
VIMPANY. Family and friends are warmly invited to attend the funeral service for Thomas Joseph Vimpany, to be held on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 at the C. T. Finney Centre, 34 Nunamina Ave, Kings Meadows, commencing at 3.00 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations to Dementia Research Tasmania would be appreciated and may be made at the service. -
Neil Faulks
MBT Golf Club - Captain
From: Neil Faulks
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 2:52 PM
I regret to inform members of the sad passing of Life Member, Mr Thomas J Vimpany (Tom).
In recognition the Port Sorell Golf Day scheduled for 4th July, 2014 will be cancelled.
The MBT Golf Club expresses its sincerest sympathy to Tom’s wife Bev and family members.
Tom was a much respected Life Member and hard working member of the MBT Golf Club Committee.
The following notice appears in today's Mercury....
VIMPANY. Family and friends are warmly invited to attend the funeral service for Thomas Joseph Vimpany, to be held on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 at the C. T. Finney Centre, 34 Nunamina Ave, Kings Meadows, commencing at 3.00 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations to Dementia Research Tasmania would be appreciated and may be made at the service. -
Neil Faulks
MBT Golf Club - Captain
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: MBA Golf Day; Ulverstone Golf Club 15 May 2014
Our first game in the North West region this year certainly brought out the locals. Of the 59 entrants, 38 were members of Ulverstone Golf Club. The Visitors also well outnumbered the MBA Golf Club Members which reflected in some of the scores. Some may have been surprised to be counted in the visitors having been members in the past but with 2014 membership due by 31 March, only the financial members were eligible for the grade prizes. Rodney Edwards was the winner of the MBA Builder Member trophy with 37 points while Trevor Johnston captured the MBA Golf Club Member trophy with a fine 41 points.
This was the 47th year this event has been run at Ulverstone and it’s success is due to the generous contributions made by our sponsors of the day. I would like to acknowledge Wells Home Timber and Hardware Latrobe, Fairbrother P/L, Harvey Norman, T&G Glass, Polished Concrete Creations, Graham Elliott & Associates, IGA Spreyton, Laminex Industries and Grant Matson. Members should consider these businesses when in need of the services they can provide. A full list of the day’s results and our sponsors can be accessed here. Thanks also to Tony Mills and his staff at Ulverstone Golf Club who made us most welcome and turned the course out in splendid condition.
The next MBA Golf Club event is at Port Sorell on Friday 4 July. Anyone wanting to play is most welcome.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: MBA Golf Day; Ulverstone Golf Club 15 May 2014
Our first game in the North West region this year certainly brought out the locals. Of the 59 entrants, 38 were members of Ulverstone Golf Club. The Visitors also well outnumbered the MBA Golf Club Members which reflected in some of the scores. Some may have been surprised to be counted in the visitors having been members in the past but with 2014 membership due by 31 March, only the financial members were eligible for the grade prizes. Rodney Edwards was the winner of the MBA Builder Member trophy with 37 points while Trevor Johnston captured the MBA Golf Club Member trophy with a fine 41 points.
This was the 47th year this event has been run at Ulverstone and it’s success is due to the generous contributions made by our sponsors of the day. I would like to acknowledge Wells Home Timber and Hardware Latrobe, Fairbrother P/L, Harvey Norman, T&G Glass, Polished Concrete Creations, Graham Elliott & Associates, IGA Spreyton, Laminex Industries and Grant Matson. Members should consider these businesses when in need of the services they can provide. A full list of the day’s results and our sponsors can be accessed here. Thanks also to Tony Mills and his staff at Ulverstone Golf Club who made us most welcome and turned the course out in splendid condition.
The next MBA Golf Club event is at Port Sorell on Friday 4 July. Anyone wanting to play is most welcome.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:19 AM
Subject: Riverside Report
MBA Golf Club News
Riverside Golf Club 11 April 2014. We had 33 members and 7 visitors at our 3rd event for 2014. The day was hosted by SPT Security and our thanks go to Tim Vimpany and Jason Cochrane from SPT for stepping in with their support at fairly short notice. Thanks also to Tim Cocker from Becks Home Hardware Launceston for providing some of the prizes and to Michael Howard who is the chef at Riverside Golf Club for his donation of after game snacks.
Riverside Golf Course was in fine condition although the greens were a little slow. The rain stayed in southern Tasmania so we only had to contend with cool winds which proved no problem for Tim Vimpany shooting the best score of the day with a fine 41 points. Click here for a full list of results.
Our next outing is at Ulverstone on Thursday 15 May. Remember that guests are welcome so if you want to bring a group along we would be happy to see you there.
Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:19 AM
Subject: Riverside Report
MBA Golf Club News
Riverside Golf Club 11 April 2014. We had 33 members and 7 visitors at our 3rd event for 2014. The day was hosted by SPT Security and our thanks go to Tim Vimpany and Jason Cochrane from SPT for stepping in with their support at fairly short notice. Thanks also to Tim Cocker from Becks Home Hardware Launceston for providing some of the prizes and to Michael Howard who is the chef at Riverside Golf Club for his donation of after game snacks.
Riverside Golf Course was in fine condition although the greens were a little slow. The rain stayed in southern Tasmania so we only had to contend with cool winds which proved no problem for Tim Vimpany shooting the best score of the day with a fine 41 points. Click here for a full list of results.
Our next outing is at Ulverstone on Thursday 15 May. Remember that guests are welcome so if you want to bring a group along we would be happy to see you there.
Roger Stokes
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:19 AM
Subject: Orford Report
MBA Golf Club News
Orford turned on the hospitality and held off the rain for our second game of the year. We had 35 players with 11 of those being visitors. It was another very successful day thanks to the kind generosity of sponsor Walkers Coaches who not only arranged the trophies but also provided the melt in the mouth steaks for the BBQ at the finish of play. When presenting prizes to the winners David Walker was proud to mention that the major prizes were sourced from local business so that the community benefited from the trophies provided.
Tony Rowell won the A grade on a countback from Neil Faulks on 39 points with Tim Elmer one point back on 38. It was equally close in B grade with Ross Nixon getting up on a countback from Bob Barry on 40 points and Frank Pedler third on 36. C grade went to E Harvey with the best score of the day, 42 points. Bob Walker was second on 40 and David Walker on 38.The winners in each grade received a Maria Island voucher for 2 adults. The visitors prize went to T Knight on 39 with Leigh Batchelor and Danny Barrow on 37.
Longest drives were won by D Maine (who also won nearest for 2 on the 4th), Ross Nixon and E Harvey. Each received 2 bottles of wine and a wine rack from local vineyard Darlington Wines. Nearest to the pins were won by I Picone and John Erends.
It is only 3 weeks to our next game at Riverside Golf Club on 11 April. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days is most welcome. You can get more information on the MBA Golf Club from Roger Stokes on 0407 657178 or have a look at the website at .
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:19 AM
Subject: Orford Report
MBA Golf Club News
Orford turned on the hospitality and held off the rain for our second game of the year. We had 35 players with 11 of those being visitors. It was another very successful day thanks to the kind generosity of sponsor Walkers Coaches who not only arranged the trophies but also provided the melt in the mouth steaks for the BBQ at the finish of play. When presenting prizes to the winners David Walker was proud to mention that the major prizes were sourced from local business so that the community benefited from the trophies provided.
Tony Rowell won the A grade on a countback from Neil Faulks on 39 points with Tim Elmer one point back on 38. It was equally close in B grade with Ross Nixon getting up on a countback from Bob Barry on 40 points and Frank Pedler third on 36. C grade went to E Harvey with the best score of the day, 42 points. Bob Walker was second on 40 and David Walker on 38.The winners in each grade received a Maria Island voucher for 2 adults. The visitors prize went to T Knight on 39 with Leigh Batchelor and Danny Barrow on 37.
Longest drives were won by D Maine (who also won nearest for 2 on the 4th), Ross Nixon and E Harvey. Each received 2 bottles of wine and a wine rack from local vineyard Darlington Wines. Nearest to the pins were won by I Picone and John Erends.
It is only 3 weeks to our next game at Riverside Golf Club on 11 April. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days is most welcome. You can get more information on the MBA Golf Club from Roger Stokes on 0407 657178 or have a look at the website at .
From: Roger Stokes
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Monday, 24 February 2014 3:24 PM
Subject: Claremont Report
MBA Social Golf Club News
In ideal conditions, twenty two members and 3 visitors enjoyed the first round of the 2014 calendar at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 21 February. The day was sponsored by Steeline Roofing and our thanks go to John Erends for the generous support his company has provided.
The winner of A grade was Tony Wilton with 35 points and runner up was Gary Linton on 33. B grade was a close battle with Bob Barry winning on a countback from Frank Pedler, both on 37 points. In C grade it was a continuation of the Orford onslaught when Michael Kent won with 34 points and David Walker second on 33. The Visitors went to Danny Barrow on a countback from Carl Steedman on 35 points. The nearest the pins were taken out by players in the last group of the day (nothing suspicious there) with Roger Stokes winning the 4th and 11th and Chris Gribble the 6th.
Our next outing is at Orford Golf Club on Friday 21 March. This is always a good day with morning tea and a BBQ lunch provided as part of your entry. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days is most welcome.
You can get more information on the MBA Social Golf Club from Roger Stokes on 0407 657178 or have a look at the website at
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Monday, 24 February 2014 3:24 PM
Subject: Claremont Report
MBA Social Golf Club News
In ideal conditions, twenty two members and 3 visitors enjoyed the first round of the 2014 calendar at Claremont Golf Club on Friday 21 February. The day was sponsored by Steeline Roofing and our thanks go to John Erends for the generous support his company has provided.
The winner of A grade was Tony Wilton with 35 points and runner up was Gary Linton on 33. B grade was a close battle with Bob Barry winning on a countback from Frank Pedler, both on 37 points. In C grade it was a continuation of the Orford onslaught when Michael Kent won with 34 points and David Walker second on 33. The Visitors went to Danny Barrow on a countback from Carl Steedman on 35 points. The nearest the pins were taken out by players in the last group of the day (nothing suspicious there) with Roger Stokes winning the 4th and 11th and Chris Gribble the 6th.
Our next outing is at Orford Golf Club on Friday 21 March. This is always a good day with morning tea and a BBQ lunch provided as part of your entry. Anyone interested in playing in this or any of our golf days is most welcome.
You can get more information on the MBA Social Golf Club from Roger Stokes on 0407 657178 or have a look at the website at
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From: Neil Faulks
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Sports update
Hi all
Just to let you know we have had our Annual General Meeting and the following people have acquired the following positions on our Committee for 2014.
President - Ian Mansfield - 0418 121 066
Vice President - John Erends - 0418 876 366
Captain - Neil Faulks - 0418 121 046
Vice Captain - Gary Linton - 0418 380 108
Secretary - Roger Stokes - 0407 657 178
Treasurer - Roger Stokes
Many thanks go out to retiring President Mr. Ken Weeding (Life Member) and retiring Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Don Mapley (Life Member) for their efforts as members of the Committee and the Executive over many years.
We are currently working on the fixtures for the upcoming year. Our first game will be in late February.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
To: 'The News Desk'
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Sports update
Hi all
Just to let you know we have had our Annual General Meeting and the following people have acquired the following positions on our Committee for 2014.
President - Ian Mansfield - 0418 121 066
Vice President - John Erends - 0418 876 366
Captain - Neil Faulks - 0418 121 046
Vice Captain - Gary Linton - 0418 380 108
Secretary - Roger Stokes - 0407 657 178
Treasurer - Roger Stokes
Many thanks go out to retiring President Mr. Ken Weeding (Life Member) and retiring Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Don Mapley (Life Member) for their efforts as members of the Committee and the Executive over many years.
We are currently working on the fixtures for the upcoming year. Our first game will be in late February.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
From: Neil Faulks
Sent: Thursday, 19 December 2013 11:29 AM
To: 'The News Desk'
Subject: Golf Day at Tasmania
Hi all,
On a sunny day (albeit Friday 13th Dec) at the Tasmania Golf Club a total of 58 golfers took on the testing layout. The hole/pin positions were set for the next day’s Monthly Medal so it set up for a tough day. I would like to thank Clennett’s Mitre 10 for the fantastic sponsorship for the day. The prizes provided by Clennett’s Mitre 10 were of exceptional quality and all players enjoyed the food provided by our sponsor as well. Thanks must also go to the Tasmania Golf Club staff for their assistance in arranging the day and the use of the course.
MBT Golf Club Members Results
The C grade players struggled somewhat on the course with veteran Leon Cahir (Young Leon) coming out on top with a score of 29 stableford points from David Walker on a count back on the same score. B grade was hotly contested with the old stager Bobby Barry coming in with 34 points to out-shine Shane Painter also on a count back. In A Grade one of the early players on the course Gary Linton returned a great score of 42 points only to be overrun by one of the players in the last group of the day with a greater score of 43 points (4 under par) by Paul Faulks.
The Visitors Results
Jacob Gillbee carded the best score for the visitors with a fine score of 39 points followed by David Jones with 36.
A full list of the other novelty prizes can be seen by following the link to the day’s full results or on our webpage located at States Regions/Tasmania. Once again a big thank you to Clennett’s Mitre 10 for their contribution and assisting in making the day a great success.
Next year’s golf calendar will be posted on our webpage in early January. The first day will be held in late February. New members are welcome. Enquiries can be sent to [email protected] or by contacting your nearest MBT office.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club
Sent: Thursday, 19 December 2013 11:29 AM
To: 'The News Desk'
Subject: Golf Day at Tasmania
Hi all,
On a sunny day (albeit Friday 13th Dec) at the Tasmania Golf Club a total of 58 golfers took on the testing layout. The hole/pin positions were set for the next day’s Monthly Medal so it set up for a tough day. I would like to thank Clennett’s Mitre 10 for the fantastic sponsorship for the day. The prizes provided by Clennett’s Mitre 10 were of exceptional quality and all players enjoyed the food provided by our sponsor as well. Thanks must also go to the Tasmania Golf Club staff for their assistance in arranging the day and the use of the course.
MBT Golf Club Members Results
The C grade players struggled somewhat on the course with veteran Leon Cahir (Young Leon) coming out on top with a score of 29 stableford points from David Walker on a count back on the same score. B grade was hotly contested with the old stager Bobby Barry coming in with 34 points to out-shine Shane Painter also on a count back. In A Grade one of the early players on the course Gary Linton returned a great score of 42 points only to be overrun by one of the players in the last group of the day with a greater score of 43 points (4 under par) by Paul Faulks.
The Visitors Results
Jacob Gillbee carded the best score for the visitors with a fine score of 39 points followed by David Jones with 36.
A full list of the other novelty prizes can be seen by following the link to the day’s full results or on our webpage located at States Regions/Tasmania. Once again a big thank you to Clennett’s Mitre 10 for their contribution and assisting in making the day a great success.
Next year’s golf calendar will be posted on our webpage in early January. The first day will be held in late February. New members are welcome. Enquiries can be sent to [email protected] or by contacting your nearest MBT office.
Kind Regards
Neil Faulks
Master Builders Tasmania Golf Club